Landscaping Pollution

Air & Noise Pollution

Choosing the right equipment can make your time in nature much easier and more enjoyable. Our choices and reduce our emissions, noise pollution, and overall costs, while boosting plant growth and biodiversity. 

The decibels (dB) listed on this page are colour coded to make it easier for people to understand at a glance how safe or dangerous the sound levels are for human hearing. The chosen rating system is based on the chart provided here by the CDC.

Sound Level Decibel (dB) Key

0-65 dB - Healthy

66-85 dB - Somewhat Loud

86-139 dB - Harmful to Hearing
Avoid long exposure without protection.

140+ dB Can Cause Hearing Loss
Wear protection or avoid all together.

Before You Start: Choosing the Right Biomes for Your Needs

When we think about the biomes we want to cultivate it's much easier to make plans like where to plant certain thing, build certain amenities, and even what types of tools we'll need.

You may realize you want to avoid a lawn all together, but that some grassy walkways for wandering through your meadow or tending your crops will be easier. For this it may be handy to own a push real mower, for some low-impact maintenance.

"Common sounds that contribute to hearing loss:

Many of our everyday sounds are over 85 decibels – loud enough to cause hearing loss. As equipment ages, it can get louder when operated. Battery powered lawn equipment tends to be quieter than gas powered equipment, but these may still exceed safe noise limits.

Some examples of sound levels of common yard and home equipment are (reorganized for this page according to loudness): 

Noise has the most impact on the person using the equipment, but the sound level can be damaging to others as far as 50 feet away. When several pieces of equipment operate at the same time – as on a sunny weekend in the neighborhood or when the landscape management crew shows up at the office building – noise level escalates. In this situation, noise levels can exceed 85 dB at a distance of 200 feet or more from the equipment." - ForsythNews 

By choosing equipment that doesn't blast noise pollution, you will protect yourself and those you live with, including neighboring families, but especially wildlife who don't get to hide way in quiet places. 

I was once very excited when a hole was dug in my wildlife garden, and the whole family was eager to see what species our new neighbors would turn out to be. Within the week, a lawncare crew blasted their machines around the area for over an hour. We never saw any more activity around the whole, and it instantly became overgrown with no signs of life.

If your reason for gardening is to see more wildlife, or bird watch, then having loud equipment is a great way to scare nesting birds away from a nest, and never come back.

Studies have found that noise pollution can increase the stress hormones in wildlife, as well as decrease their ability to feed and breed. Humans suffer similar health consequences, including higher rates of panic attacks.

In addition, fossil-fuel powered machinery helps drive climate change (Mowers make up 5% of the USA's emissions! That's about 1/3rd of the emissions from the USA's agriculture industry). As the world faces energy shortages, it seems particularly poor planning to use these resources to mow down carbon-storing plants.

Even worse is they can kick up huge amounts of air pollution, hamper soil health, and kill delicate wildlife.

What to Avoid & Better Alternatives

Leaf & Litter Control



Mowing Grass


You don't need all three. These are listed from quietest and most eco-friendly to less.

Trimming & Edging



Leaf Blower Bans

Light Pollution

Light pollution is a growing health hazard for humans, animals, and even plants! Light pollution spreads from cities across landscapes getting into migratory routes, national parks, beaches, and other places where it can cause serious disruption to the mating, feeding, and migratory habits of countless species.

Light pollution disrupts our sleep cycles, causing problems such as obesity, cancer, and other problems, but humans at least have the option to install curtains or cover our eyes when we want to sleep. Wildlife increasingly faces glaring and flashing lights that they can't escape. It can disorient nocturnal birds who then smash into windows and die, or it can throw them off their migratory paths so that they starve and fail to find mating partners. Baby turtles on beaches follow artificial lights inland where they get lost or crushed by cars. Countless insects are lured by bright city lights were they die instead of continuing their lifecycles in the country as food for other species. Fireflies and other bioluminescent species fail to breed every year putting them at greater risk of extinction, a problem that is felt all along the food chain.

Calls to Action

Level 1-3

Level 3

Level 4

Resources for Wildlife- & People-Friendly Lighting

Click the following links to learn more about choosing appropriate lighting, as well as model laws.



This class of chemicals can include natural and synthetic chemicals. They may seem like a simple solution, but they are causing havoc on the environment. Many cause cancer in people, pets, and are known to cause reproductive harm in wildlife. In places like the Amazon, banned pesticides are being used on livestock feed that is shipped to customers in places like the USA, China, and Europe. These are making their way up the food chain, and are now found in our blood and the milk of breastfeeding mothers. 

Pesticides used on our farmland, gold courses, public parks and private gardens washes off with rain or snow, harming life in waterways and our oceans. Breastfeeding mothers in the Arctic Circle who eat large amounts of fish have been found to have alarmingly high amount of pesticides in their blood and milk.

Biological Arms Race:
The Unintended Cost of Pesticides

Pesticides used on land and in aquaculture have proven to have one impressive effect: They help breed stronger, more pesticide-resistant parasites and pests!

Calls to Action

Level 1

Levels 1-3

Levels 3-4

Click the Non-Lethal Pest Control button to learn about pesticide free methods to protect your plants, family, and more.