

Alternative Transport Option

Surfer Today explains that, "as there is no engine, fuel consumption, or large machinery parts of any kind, skateboarding is a way better commuting option than the cars we use regularly.

Additionally, it can help with the existing traffic problems we have seen in bigger cities.

While in traffic, running cars' engines emit harmful fuels, which can be prevented by encouraging skateboarding to travel from one place to another.

I know some of you are wondering what older people can do here as skating is most considered a sport for the young generation.

There is an easy solution here for that, too.

If you are familiar with electric skateboards, you might also know that it almost requires zero physical strength and attributes to ride one.

Some environmental issues also need to be solved with electric skateboards, as they run on the motor on batteries.

Still, in terms of efficiency and environmental pollution, an electric skateboard is way ahead in the game than any gas-powered vehicle."


The materials used to make skateboards are the biggest point of environmental impact, which in turn impacts landfills. 

"Skateboard decks are made using Canadian maple trees, which take 40 to 60 years to mature. Millions are cut down and shipped out each year to meet rising global demand. With this, the environmental consequences of aggressive deforestation only worsen.  

Bamboo skate deck companies claim to have a solution. Unlike Canadian maple trees, there is a surplus of bamboo, which only takes months to grow. It also grows back harder once cut down, which means stronger decks." - Dose Skate Boarding: Bamboo Skateboards: Raise the Bar or Not Up to Par

Wood Decks

While skate boards use only a fraction of the timber harvested by the lumber industry, and the lumber industry cuts down far less trees than the livestock and livestock feed industries, there is still an impact. Fortunately bamboo skate boards are beginning to become more available.


How Do You Make a Skateboard Out of Trash?

3:02 minute video

Ocean Plastic Products

Some manufacturers now offer more sustainable materials including ocean plastic which helps support efforts to remove plastic form our seas.

Companies Selling Sustainable Boards & Parts



North America

