Slugs & Snails


Slugs and snails are common garden and crop "pests", but they are also important food sources for other species including insectivores such as hedgehogs, rodents, amphibians, reptiles, other bug species, and birds.

Using pesticides on slugs and snails might seem like a quick and simple solution, but it can poison other animals up the food chain, or the sudden disappearance of an important food source can set of a trophic cascade, and localized extinction of various beneficial omnivores and predators.

Reliant Species


Some species eat slugs and snails year-round, while other species feed on hard seeds and nuts, only using soft-bodied bugs to feed their chicks. Since chicks are much smaller, and particularly delicate during their speedy growth period, consuming pesticides can be particularly damaging, or even deadly to these little birds.



Resources & Guides

Pest Control

This fact sheet provides information on planning, locating, and installing beetle banks in the Upper Midwest, including recommended grasses and flowers that can be planted." 

