Connecting Students with Nature

Disabilities & Access


Hearing impairments can be very isolating for students, meaning they can miss out on valuable information, get left out of socializing, and get left behind in educational situations. Very simple changes can profoundly improve their learning experiences.

Student Mobility

Students with mobility issues or other disabilities may benefit from the freedom and stability provided by a trike.

Also consider checking out our Disability & Cycling page which offers links to organizations around the world, grants, and more than can help children and young adults access trikes, bikes, and related equipment which can give them independence or help guardians bring these individuals along on outdoor adventures.

Visual Impairment

People with visual impairment or who are entirely blind can still benefit greatly from out door experiences. Some simple changes in lighting or font size may be enough to accommodate them, but it is always best to ask what helps, as each person's visual experience can be very different from another's. Impairment levels can change with lighting quality (dim or dark may have little or extreme impact on certain vision problems), and vision loss can be progressive.

Locations & Programs

It's always a good idea to check around with your local conservation groups (we've listed many on the rewilding pages of this site, both on the general Rewilding page, but also on sub pages, focusing on specific biomes). Your local wildlife and farm animal sanctuaries (some of whom overlap in the species they care for) will also be willing to send educational materials, a speaker, or even have your students visit for tours and in certain cases, some hands-on experience.

The organizations and programs listed in this section have been curated while researching organizations making a positive impact for different eco systems.


For Tribal & Under-Represented Communities






South Africa




Hong Kong

North America








South Carolina




School Yards

Food Gardens

Victory or Resilience Gardens are a great way to get kids outside while connecting them with their food. Help kids learn about traditional, local foods, traditional practices that were developed to meet the needs of your local climate, for example Waffle Gardens make more sense in hot, arid regions, where European-style raised rows can be totally inappropriate and lead to harvest failure. 

Sensory Gardens

These gardens are specifically designed to stimulate multiple senses, and can be particularly appropriate for students with mental, intellectual, or physical disabilities.

Sensory gardens can be any shape or size, with a focus on plant species which can be safely tasted, touched, and smelled, as well as viewed. Elements can also include sound with the use of chimes, water features (a shallow fountain over a basin of pebbles, or small pond with a metal grate can help prevent drowning).

Wildlife & Pollinator Gardens

These can be a great way to introduce students to local pollinators and other species.

Consider providing food, water, and shelter. Setting up camera traps can help students understand which wild neighbors live in the area, and visit their garden at night or other times when students are away.

Click the Gardening/Landscaping button to learn about the many types of garden and features that can be mixed and matched to create food gardens, sensory gardens, wildlife and pollinator gardens. Xeriscaping can bring nature to your school even if water is scarce. Each section has more resources than we felt could be fit on this page, though these will eventually be broken into smaller pages.


These are generally one-day events, though they may last for only a short period such as an hour or over several days. They are a great way to get adults and children both out in nature and involved with science.

Resources & Guides


Hong Kong



For Tribal & Under-Represented Communities

North America




