Pork Alternatives



The best bacon alternatives we've tried so far (from best to "good enough") were:

DIY Recipes

Brand / Pre-Made



Bacon-Flavored Popcorn

Pop corn bags are known to have dangerous chemicals (in fact popcorn bags are one of the most notorious pathways for PFAS to enter our bodies), but you can easily buy plain, un-popped corn which is usually sold with the bagged types. These are super easy to cook for a big movie night. When I first went vegan, the guys I shared movie night with poked fun at me for going meat free, and they kinda teased me for making popcorn from scratch. I threw in one handful of corn per person into a pot with a glass lid, used enough vegan ghee, butter, or margarine to cover the bottom of the pot in a thin layer, plus a little knob extra, then I would heat them up on about medium. When the first 1-3 pieces popped, I'd turn the heat down by about 2 numbers to avoid burning the pieces at the bottom.

When the popping sound died down I would turn off the heat, and pour the corn into a big bowl. Then I'd add some more butter to the pot (don't bother turning the heat back on), until it melted, and then drizzled this over the corn. 

I'd throw the corn back into the pot for a moment with the lid on just to give it a really good shake, then add some bacon salt to taste and shake it some more. Dump the popcorn back into the bowl before it gets soggy, and enjoy. 

The guys often complained that I hadn't made enough, and even sheepishly requested that I make them some more before the end of the night.

I hope you love this super easy recipe as much as they did :3

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