Fossil Fuels


The fossil fuel industry has powered humans into a world of incredible technology and feats that our ancestors could never have imagined, however this has come with devastating costs which now threaten our water security, food security, climate stability, and much more.

The good news is that humans have been exploring and improving on alternative energy sources as well as new forms of energy storage to help increase the efficiency and versatility of these green energy types.

Humanity is now in the scaling-up phase with these technologies, even as we continue to discover and invent yet more alternatives. Some countries are phasing out ICE vehicles as their car markets fill up with hybrids, electrics, and hydrogen vehicles. Some countries and islands have already shifted mostly to renewables, with a couple already hitting 100% renewable energy use at least one day per year, but these stats are improving as adoption of alternative energy options continues to grow.

Types of Fossil Fuels

Natural Gas


Dangers of Fossil Fuels

Air Pollution & Green House Gases



There are different types of plastic with different physical properties depending on their exact chemical makeup. These have been considered a wonderful invention, because they are generally much lighter in weight than glass, metal, or wooden containers, which they quickly replaced. Humanity enjoyed their longevity, but we are now learning that they can persist in our environment for hundreds of years and produce microplastics which get into animal and human bodies, where these fragments and their toxins do serious, or even deadly damage.

Plastics act like a sponge for dangerous chemicals and even viruses, then release them on beaches and inside organisms including ourselves. Plastics affect everything from water quality to the health of our soil. They persist in every trophic level from tiny worms and crustaceans, then they bioaccumulate as predators consume more and more contaminated prey, with animals such as seabirds being some of the most at-risk victims of this particular type of pollution. When humans consume predatory animals such as tuna or other popular fish, we increase the amount of microplastics entering our blood stream and lodging in organs including our brains and livers. Doctors and scientists are only now beginning to study the effects of this process on human health and life expectancy.

Petrochemicals Used in Beauty & Hygiene Products


End Fossil Fuel Subsidies!

The fossil fuel industry is only as profitable to shareholders and CEOs because of the trillions they recieve in welfare handouts from govornments around the world. The idea behind this was to "help the little guy" by making energy cheap enough for businesses to boom, but as we've seen this has had a majorly negative impact a

Green Energy Alternatives

Clean Up

Plastic Cleanup



Financing & Divestment




As Climate Defenders, we are fighting to end the fossil fuel industry and build a new future with good jobs, clean water, safe air, and a better future for our families. Join us!"

North America


The goal of A2 is to help communities fight back. We do that by providing them organizing support, scientific and technical guidance, and better access to foundation and government funding. Most of all, our work consists of listening to our frontline leaders. Their experience, research, and solidarity guide everything we do, and offer a path toward environmental and social justice.

Supported by outstanding partner organizations with expertise in engineering, hydrology, public health, planning, and the law, A2 leaders have successfully halted developments in climate-vulnerable areas; implemented nature-based hazard mitigation strategies; organized home buyouts; and pushed for clean-ups at superfund sites, toxic landfills, and petrochemical plants.

We support everyone we can, but our special priority is people who have suffered the worst environmental impacts for the longest time; that usually means low-income, Black, Latinx, Native American and other underserved communities.

To learn about our policies, read our A 10-Point Platform on Climate Change."

South America



Global Energy Monitor’s eight power sector trackers provide the source of underlying data: the Global Coal Plant Tracker, Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker, Global Solar Power Tracker, Global Wind Power Tracker, Global Hydropower Tracker, Global Geothermal Power Tracker, Global Bioenergy Power Tracker, Global Nuclear Power Tracker."

Data is available to download and viewable with interactive mapping and aggregate summary tables. Each coal, and oil and gas asset is linked to a separate factsheet on that provides references and further background. The project methodology is available here.

To receive notifications on this project, please sign up for our mailing list. If you have questions about the project, please contact Sarah Lerman-Sinkoff."




North America