Career Activism


We all need to eat, and many of us struggle to find time with a job to also focus on environmental issues. So why not get paid to be part of the change our planet so desperately needs?! More and more of us are leaving our old corporate jobs to start or join businesses and organizations that exist to make a real, lasting difference. Consider joining us, and see what kind of an impact you can make! 

Job by Field

Click the Job Finder button to find a career you can feel passionate about. If you scroll to the bottom of the page to find out about training opportunities and certification programs.



This might include designing more human- and wildlife-friendly communities, designing technology, parks, infrastructure, or water management systems.


This is an important position from which to shape our cultures and future the minds of generations. Consider using tools such as those offered by The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) which offers resources aimed at different classroom levels.

Food Production

Food production employs a large percentage of humanity, and our dietary footprints are growing exponentially as we use up our fresh water resources faster than they can regenerate, deforest faster than we can replant, and produce a growing percent of emissions.

Click the Farmer Actions button to get some ideas of what strategies and production methods can help the planet while allowing you to earn a living.


This is can be a cheap and relaxing hobby, a way to produce your own food, but it can also be a way to help local wildlife survive or even flourish. Not everyone has the time or the physical ability to garden, and most professional gardeners don't seem to understand best practices to keep plants or our environment healthy, so providing training or gardening services that do focus on these concepts will help create greener communities.

The buttons below offer suggestions and resources to help you get started, or (if you already garden) to step up our Planeteer game.


This doesn't mean hacking in the same way as portrayed in the media! "Hacking" is a term in the tech community that traditionally referred to the act of creating something new out of what little resources they had at the time: "Hacking together a solution." 

If technology, programming, or web-design are your thing, then we invite you to join with existing organizations like the VeganHactivists who work in teams to create amazing resources like these! 

Laws & Infrastructure


Law Organizations Protecting Earth & Her Inhabitants


If we want stronger ethics and more concern about the environment in our political system, then we need to make sure people who prioritize those things are hired and elected into government.


Citizen Science

If you can't go the professional route, you may still enjoy joining in the Citizen Scientist community.

For Teachers

Educators can help kids start young by introducing them to some of the following:


Since people will always need things, vendors are in a unique position to help people get access to eco-friendly products that will both improve their lives and help the planet. Special care can be paid to not only what products are made of and under what conditions, but the type of packaging too.

Zero-Waste and Bulk Shops

Waste Management

This is vital to developing a circular economy, reducing emissions, and combatting pollution.

Click the Waste Management button to learn about specific types of waste, how and where they can be resold, upcycled, recycled, or disposed of.

Zero-Waste Training & Resources

Education & Training Opportunities

North America






North America