Science Resources


Click the button to see our related resources.

Citizen Science & Data Gathering

There are many ways to get involved with citizen science, and that list is growing as technology develops. Click the Citizen Science button to learn about the different types of citizen science, including methods and techniques, then scroll down to the directory to see what opportunities are available internationally, of even locally!


North America



Climate & Climate Changes

Energy & Transportation

The following buttons include general information about the current state of energy use and transport, emerging technology and solutions, as well as ideas the schools and students can use locally.

The following offer students the opportunity to help make sustainable changes in their own families and communities.

The Bikes page talks about the benefits of bike and walking infrastructure, how bikes and trikes and provide freedom to people with disabilities, and includes a section devoted to finding disability-friendly equipment, including grant opportunities.

The How To: Walk & Bike to School Program page offers resources and suggestions for creating a safer space around schools that will benefit everyone, help clean the local air, and create a deeper sense of community.

It may also be worth contacting an international or local Bike Advocacy Group, as many of them will happily provide safety and educational resources. Some can help create a safe-to-school program, or even offer safety and riding classes for students.






Technology, Robotics, & Monitoring

Click the button above for resources on technology, robotics, and monitoring. Monitoring includes things like environmental testing, and wildlife traps.


For Students