Global Warming & Climate Change

Causes of Climate Change

Fossil Fuels

Petroleum Oil


Natural Gas

Dangers of Climate Change

Impacts on Food Security

Flooding and Sea Level Rise

Sea Level Rise

Weather Changes Increase Flooding Risks

Health Impacts

Heat Stroke

Increased Stress

Ecosystems & Biodiversity Loss

Ocean Acidification

Fire & Wildfires

Not only can wildfires result in massive devastation and loss of rare species, but the pollutants that enter the atmosphere include CO2 which can contribute to the increase in global warming. 

Trees and other plants are critical to absorbing greenhouse gases and cleaning pollution from our environment (air, soil and water), so massive fire add to our already staggering rates of deforestation, reducing our ability to combat climate change.


Generally we try to organize topics on this site from most impactful to somewhat less, however this section is a little different. Specifically it is important to note that systematic changes including an international shift from fossil fuels to renewables, a shift towards at little animal products as possible (this will boost food security while also reducing pandemic risk and many other types of pollution), and a massive update of our current transit system towards active and low-emission vehicles.

However we start with personal choices first as these have a more immediate effect (compared to the long battle to disinvest from fossil fuels, to change laws, and to train/build for the already occurring energy transition), can help us learn where the blocks in local progress lie, and allow us to "walk the walk" before we "talk the talk" to those in our daily lives or our local politicians

We've listed civil actions such as voting and activism at the bottom of the Personal section, and everything beneath that is listed from most to less impactful.

Energy & Transit

"The global energy crisis has triggered unprecedented momentum behind renewables, with the world set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in the past 20." - IEA: Rrenewable Power's Growth is Being Turbocharged as Countries Seek to Strengthen Energy Security 

The energy crisis has been triggered in part by the increasingly wild climate change experienced around the world and the growing demand for heating and cooling to help people survive these large temperature swings.

Reduce Energy Usage

Farms & Food

Consumer Actions

This shift can be made by everyone from the people who process and package foods, those who cook and set menus, to every one of us who has control over our meal choices.

Note: If you are younger and don't have a say in your meals, you can try persuading your family, but don't beat yourself up if you have to settle for mostly waiting till you can buy your own food.



As Climate Defenders, we are fighting to end the fossil fuel industry and build a new future with good jobs, clean water, safe air, and a better future for our families. Join us!"

North America


The goal of A2 is to help communities fight back. We do that by providing them organizing support, scientific and technical guidance, and better access to foundation and government funding. Most of all, our work consists of listening to our frontline leaders. Their experience, research, and solidarity guide everything we do, and offer a path toward environmental and social justice.

Supported by outstanding partner organizations with expertise in engineering, hydrology, public health, planning, and the law, A2 leaders have successfully halted developments in climate-vulnerable areas; implemented nature-based hazard mitigation strategies; organized home buyouts; and pushed for clean-ups at superfund sites, toxic landfills, and petrochemical plants.

We support everyone we can, but our special priority is people who have suffered the worst environmental impacts for the longest time; that usually means low-income, Black, Latinx, Native American and other underserved communities.

To learn about our policies, read our A 10-Point Platform on Climate Change."

