Table of Contents
Types of Songbirds
American Goldfinch
American Robin
Eastern Bluebird
Gray Headed Catbird
Indigo Bunting
Northern Cardinal
Tools & Apps
Atlasing in Namibia: Bird Information System "Citizen science projects recording biodiversity and cultural heritage in Namibia"
Northern Ireland
CEDaR (Center for Environmental Data and Recording) Online Recording Click the link to see what projects are available. They have specific links for Owls, Butterflies, Marine, Invasive Species, Lady Birds and more! Some of the links will take you to projects for specific regions including the Ring of Gullion and Belfast Hills.
Resources & Guides
How-To Guide
NestWatch: All About Birdhouses includes resources such as the interactive "Right Bird, Right House" tool, trouble shooting guides, and tips for installing cameras.
Roost Box for Songbirds (PDF)
Winter Roost Plans from the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PDF)
South Africa
North America
All About Birds: Bird Guide "ID North American help and life history info for 600+ species"
Songbird Survival "More than half of our UK songbirds are threatened or already in decline
SongBird Survival is working to change the future of songbirds by funding research into the causes of the decline, and creating solutions."
North America
Bird Conservation Network "We are a coalition of over 20 conservation groups, including bird clubs, ornithological societies, and conservation organizations sharing an interest in the preservation of our local birds and the habitats they need to survive."