Heat Pump Grants & Funding


Heat pumps generally source hot or cold from the air outside, water, or the ground beneath a building, instead of converting the energy, and pumping heat outside during heat waves like traditional air conditioning does (which makes outside temperatures even more deadly).

Life Expectancy: "The underground piping associated with GHP systems often carry warranties of 25 to 50 years, and the heat pumps often last 20 years or more. In addition, the components in the living space are easily accessible, which increases the convenience factor and helps ensure that the upkeep is done on a timely basis." - https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/choosing-and-installing-geothermal-heat-pumps 

Pro: These devices use 25-50% of the energy traditionally needed to heat or cool a space. A single device can replace both a heater and an A/C unit. Modern units can function down to temperatures of -15°C or 5°F.

Con: These can work less efficiently with extreme temperatures especially if using outside air. The intake duct can get iced up during snow and freezes.

Solution: It may be worth having a backup heating system in places with frequent and long sub-zero freezes. 

Resources: There are several types of heat pumps:

The general design requires a small amount of electricity to help move warmth or cold from one location to another, instead of actively heating or cooling anything.

What are Heat Pumps? dives into the different types of underground heat pumps, plus advice on how to get the most benefit from switching to this century old technology.

More Homes Using Heat Pumps as Cheaper, Greener Alternative to Fossil Fuels

8:22 minute video"U.S. emissions fell during the height of the pandemic as people were stuck at home, but that changed as the pandemic eased. Many researchers, scientists and lawmakers argue that Americans need to reduce their use of fossil fuels much sooner than they may have planned. Miles O'Brien reports on an alternative for home heating that could reduce the use and costs of fossil fuels."

Grants & Schemes





North America


Your grant money will be available before the installation of your new heat pump."





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