Upgrade Light Bulbs

Modern light sources are generally manufactured with some pretty dangerous chemicals. Examples of toxic light sources include light bulbs, glow sticks, and even candles. 

Avoiding Light Pollution

Light pollution is a growing problem for 80% of humanity, with 99% of Americans and Europeans living with nightly light pollution.

By following Dark Sky Initiative suggestions a community or property owner can save about 70% of their (light-specific) energy use, and reduce their energy bills by around 75%. 

Simple acts like closing curtains or blinds helps prevent light from spilling outside, and provides anyone inside with more privacy (otherwise you are lit up like a stage for anyone outside to watch). Turning off or dimming lights can actually help people see their environment more clearly as our eyes adjust, instead of being dazzled and blinded by bright lights. Installing lights with motion sensors can act like a visual alarm alerting residents, police, or security guards to the presence of criminals.

Simple actions like facing lights downwards or using shields to prevent light from going up or sideways

Click the Darkness and Light Pollution buttons to learn more about the importance of darkness, and what steps we can all take to reduce our energy use, while making our spaces safer for everyone.


Type of Lighting

The following is listed from most eco-friendly to less environmentally-friendly.


The best kind of light for our eyes and the environment, is natural sunlight. If at all possible, try opening windows, installing skylights which can come in traditional or modern designs with a variety of new, useful features such as UV tinting, and automatic closing functions to conserve energy.

Out Door Lighting

North America


Win - Win:  LED bulbs help save you money and reduce emissions

LED bulbs are both more efficient and last longer than any other type of bulb.  Save your self time and money while reducing your personal carbon footprint by replacing bulbs with energy efficient LED light bulbs.


Glowsticks are one of the worst products you can by, since they are generally just a one-time-use product, and there's is currently no official way to recycle them. They are full of toxic chemicals which end up in our environment or landfills, where they can then leach into our soil and water.

If you want to buy glowsticks, try to find reusable types, preferably with batteries so they can be used over and over again.

The Glowstick Initiative is trying to raise awareness through art by creating monsters from recycled materials for their Feed Me Glowsticks Project.