
Threats to Fish

The items in this section are not currently listed by level of impact, in part because the comparative level of danger from each threat varies from one location to another. For example habitat loss of pollution may pose a greater impact for places without dams or with stricter fishing law enforcement, while dams or overfishing can be the main cause of population collapse in other places.


"​With hydropower, overfishing, climate change and pollution on the rise, populations of migratory freshwater fish species have plummeted globally by 76% on average since 1970, including a 93% collapse in Europe." - WWF


Poaching - The Pet Industry

Exotic species are at particularly high risk from poaching for the exotic pet industry. Since many species are difficult if not impossible to breed in captivity, a massive quantity are harvested from coral reefs and other delicate habitats each year. Poachers often use cyanide to "knock out" the fish, however many fish in the area die from contact with this poison, which also hurts the surrounding reef. A shockingly high percentage of pet shop fish in the USA test positive for cyanide, which indicates their illegal's origins.

Climate Change

Energy Production

Hydro Power

Dams have cut of a substantial number of migration routes for species such as salmon who rely on the ability to return to their freshwater spawning grounds to reproduce. Weirs and intake pipes can also pose hazards to fish and other aquatic species.

Fossil Fuels

Seabed exploration, drilling, leaky infrastructure, and massive oil spills have historically been a very large danger to fish as well as many other ocean species. In addition to the deadly levels of noise and chemical pollution of course, fossil fuels also add to greenhouse gas load in our atmosphere, increasing climate change. As waters warm, this disrupts basic behaviors, metabolic activities, and even reduces the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water for aquatic species to breath. Some species are slowly adapting to these changes, but generally speaking, anything that can't migrate away from these dangers simply dies.

Wind Energy

Turbines cause significantly less harm than hydropower or fossil fuels, however the process of installing turbines can create significant noise pollution during the construction phase. 

For this reason it it highly recommended (and in some countries legally mandatory) to install a bubble curtain to muffle noises and protect the local wildlife.


Combat Pollution

This section doesn't yet cover all types of pollution, but we've managed to include most common types of pollution as well as ways to reduce or eliminate their impact.


Prevention is cheaper and easier than cleaning up pollutants after they have infiltrated the environment, or worse, entered the food chain.

Pollution Cleanups

Combat Invasives

This should involve prevention measures like cleaning off boat hulls, not transporting exotic plants or other species to new regions, which can reduce costs long term. Killing off invasive species once they have gained a foothold can be very difficult, time consuming, and expensive. Often attempts can cause serious harm to native species, or cause population booms in invasive populations.

Bubble curtains can be an affordable and fairly simple addition to a prevention system. Bubble curtains can help reduce the movement of invasive algae and jelly fish, as well as pollution including plastic debris.

Tools & Apps


New Zealand 





North America