Right to Repair


Since humans first started creating things, we have also repaired those items. We can see evidence of this in archeological dig sights, in clothing, tools, and furniture. 

Only in recent decades have companies started to try and protect their profits by making it illegal for product owners to open their own devices to replace batteries or perform other basic forms of repair or maintenance. John Deer for example used copy right laws to prevent farmers from fixing or altering their own equipment, instead forcing them to rely on expensive, authorized repair shops.

3:29 minute video.

Benefits of Right to Repair

Reduced Environmental Impact

"Repairing appliances instead of replacing them is a simple yet powerful step towards reducing electronic waste, conserving resources, and mitigating climate change. By embracing repair culture, individuals can contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet while enjoying the economic and environmental benefits of extended product lifetimes. Repairing equipment instead of replacing it can offer several carbon footprint benefits, including reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, reducing the energy required to manufacture new products, and reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted during the production process." U-Tech

Self Reliance


Not everyone lives near a specialized repair shop. This means that when your local repair place can't legally repair your items, and the closest certified location is prohibitively far away, people often find it cheaper to buy new than to foot the travel or shipping costs to have fixable items repaired. This is a financial problem thrust onto regular people as well as a serious environmental issue.

Opening & Repairing Technology is a Steppingstone for Budding Engineers

When I was younger, most people I met two were working in technology fields or could build their own computers had started out by taking apart remote controls, VCRs, and other pieces of technology. By illegalizing this type of behavior, companies are stifling self-education, and limiting the potential of the next generation of technology experts.


Legalize & Protect the Right to Repair

Scroll down to learn about your country's current legislation for or against the right to repair. You can also scroll down to find petitions and various ways to contact your representatives about this issue.

Durability Index & Rating System

Tracking reparability, average life-span, and other factors then making them publicly available for consumers can help the average person select products with more confidence, while avoiding low-quality products that only contribute to environment. 

France has already implemented an index or reparability, but in other countries individual organizations have had to step up to make up for official oversight. There is currently some difference in rating systems and between organizations.

Legislation & Programs

Depending on where you live, you may already/still have the right to repair. This section is intended to help people keep track of what's legal where, and what measures are being used to protect or punish people who want to mend or adapt their own possessions. 



South Korea

"In November 2021, the South Korean Justice Party proposed a Right to Repair Act that’s currently in debate in the National Assembly." - iFixit: International Day of Repair

North America



According to INA, independent repair shops perform 70% of repairs once vehicles are out of warranty. However, the organization says that the automakers are increasingly blocking access to vehicle repair and maintenance, which represents a threat to the voice of consumers, especially those in suburban and rural communities that will have limited access to affordable vehicle service and repair.

In Mexico, the value of the aftermarket sector neared US$30 billion in 2022 and is made up of around 240,000 economic units, of which 72% of them are repair, body and paint stores, while the other 28% are wholesale and retail spare parts outlets. Additionally, the country’s vehicle fleet currently consists of 33.9 million vehicles with an average age of 15 years.

The organization highlights that countries like Australia and South Africa have already obtained the right for their drivers to repair their vehicles, which INA says is “setting an example for similar legislation in Mexico.”" - Mexico Business: INA Signs Joint Statement Right to Repair 






New York


Rhode Island



New Zealand

North America



Petitions by State

Tools & Resources

Worth of Repair

Policies & Initiatives

Information about existing policies and initiatives from around the world can be vital for creating new ones. We can look at what others have created, learn about the impacts, and create our own for our own countries.




Some of these organizations focus solely on protecting and advancing our right to repair our own things, while others also offer advice and other resources.




South Africa






Germany / Deutschland 


North America



29 second video about how the Right to Repair pertains to the US automotive industry and vehicle owners.

We fight for your right to fix."



New Zealand

South America


French Guiana




New Zealand