Multi-Benefit Solutions


This page exists to help gather some of the inventions, social programs, infrastructure updates, and other powerful solutions we've found during our research, which have the ability to solve or reduce the impact of multiple problems spanning multiple topics.

Some of these, such as Bubble Curtains may be placed in different locations to solve only one type of problem, while others such at Walkable Infrastructure could be implemented in one place to solve a long list of problems faced in that community.

Obviously this is not a complete list, but will continue to grow as we discover more multi-benefit solutions.

Page Organization

Currently the sections are divided into:

Roughly these categories range from easier and cheaper for a single person, company, or community to employ, down to more complicated and more expensive categories which may require more planning, cooperation, application forms, etc.

Currently each topic within these sections is listed alphabetically, rather than by scale of impact. This may change as we continue to gather info about each of these solutions.


These can be relatively cheep for the massive problems they can aid, with low negative impact.


Bubble Curtains

Bubble curtains can be used in waterways such as rivers to help direct plastic, cigarettes, and other solid forms of pollution towards a specific capture point where workers or volunteers can then empty the waste safely. Bubble curtains allow animals such as fish and vessels including ships to pass through without harm.


These can be much more costly, but ultimately help communities save money and lives over time.

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs)

Swales & Berms

Water Harvesting


Walkable Infrastructure

Systematic Community Changes

These are probably the most difficult to implement, requiring cooperation, education at the community and technical levels. They may also require some law changes, new programs created, and new standards set.

Dark Sky Initiatives

This is one of the cheapest ways we can make a massive impact on energy demand, energy-related emissions, as well as light pollution which hurts both humans and wildlife.

Simple changes such as altering the angles of light


Walk & Bike to School Programs

Vegan Agriculture