Dairy Alternatives

Ingredients for Dairy Alternatives

Base Ingredients For Cheese

This is not a full list but consists of examples we have tried and enjoyed.

Heavy Cream Alternatives


8 Vegan Heavy Cream Substitutes

"Cream is more difficult to replace than plain milk in vegan recipes, but with these healthy cream alternatives, you’re sure to find the perfect substitute for any recipe."

Base Ingredients For Milk

The following are listed (more-or-less) from more sustainable, healthy, and ethical, to less sustainable and less ethical based on graphs and articles about ethics problems that some are creating. 

The following choices are generally better than dairy (environmentally speaking), but have some fixable problems that we felt should be discussed:

Flavorings & Colourings


You can buy "vegan butter" in a stick just like regular butter (most people can't even taste a difference!), but margarine and vegetable lard can also be used.  You can use the same amount in recipes, but might need to add some salt if using lard instead of margarine or butter. 


Vegan ghee is also an option which generally comes in a glass jar, and may need to be mixed up before use, if the heavier parts have separated and sunk to the bottom of the container. Vegan ghee is generall the most expensive, followed by vegan butter and margerine generally being the most afforable. Not sure where vegetable lard falls.


This section has some brand and recipe suggestions, plus other helpful tips. 

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Blue Cheese (& Brie)

This can be home made, but a growing number of companies are now offering brie and blue cheese which can be found in some deli and cheese sections of popular groceries. Even dairy-lovers have found these irrisistable.

Blue Cheese Sauce

Companies including Daiya and even some store brands now offer bottles of vegan blue cheese sauce, ranch dressing, and other delicious sauces which could previously only be found with egg and/or dairy ingredients. 

These have been great on salads, burgers, pizzas, and more, but be careful to check the expiration date. These don't seem to go bad in the same way that dairy products do, but instead become too thick to get out of the bottle, while developing an unpalatable plastic-like flavor.

Cheese Sticks

These can be found both breaded and un-breaded. Some shops sell the un-breaded kind in packs with dairy-based cheese sticks, or sometimes in the vegan cheese section depending on how your local groceries are organized. They come in a plastic pack with individually wrapped sticks so they can be easily added to a lunchbox.

If you want but can't find breaded cheese sticks, you can make your own by dipping cheese sticks in egg replacer and panko bread crumbs (you'll want to add seasoning if the panko isn't already seasoned).

Breaded cheese sticks can be found in the frozen aisle, ready to be toasted in an oven. They often come with packets of sauce such as marinara or garlic sauce. 

Cottage Cheese

Many cottage cheese recipes involve cashews, but I haven't tried these due to the ethical issues of cashews. 

This simple tofu-based cottage cheese recipe requires two kinds of tofu. You want to blend a block of silken tofu to make the wet, creamy half. The other block of tofu can be firm, extra firm, or (if you want) super firm, and all you need to do is press the water out, and hand crumble the block. The nutritional yeast gives it the cheesy flavor and lots of nutrients including B12. The recipe doesn't mention pepper, but black pepper adds a nice touch if you like to use cottage cheese in sandwiches or lasagna.


This is probably the easiest type of cheese you can make. No blending, not cooking, just press the water from your tofu block, cut it into small cubes, and mix the following ingredients: 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp dried thyme, 1 tbsp fortified nutritional yeast, 1 tsp dried oregano, 1/2 tsp iodized salt, 1/4 - 1/2 tsp garlic powder, and 1 tbsp olive oil or other plant oil. 

Mixing all the non-tofu ingredients into a paste/juice before adding to tofu cubes can help ensure more even distribution of the flavors.

This recipe makes around 4-5 servings, and goes great on salads, pizza, or even in a sandwich. 

Medical Substitution 

If you have weed oil and don't like how it tastes in sweet edibles like chocolates, then you may prefer it in this savory recipe: 

Just exchange the 1tbsp of plain (olive) oil for 1 tbsp of weed oil, and the herbs will help disguise the marijuana flavor.


This can be found plain or smoked in a growing number of deli and cheese sections at popular groceries.

Shreds & Slices

These are among the easiest types of vegan cheese to find. So Delicious, Daiya, and even store brands have been competing to make tastier, meltier cheeses, so while they once tasted like plastic, they are constantly improving. Some companies like Vevan even specialize in melty cheese (warning, this brand kinda sucks if you want to munch on raw slices like you can with other brands, but once heated the cheese is THE BEST melted cheese we've found).

The Secret to Melting Vegan Cheese onto Burgers

Shreds and slices can be incredibly stubborn when you try to melt them onto a burger. If you are frying your burger up in a frying pan, then make sure your burger is (or burger are) cooked all the way through, then top with cheese, then immediately cover with a lid (a glass lid is best as it'll help you see when your cheese has melted). You may want to throw in a handful of water or two to help create some steam, which helps the cheese melt even faster.


This is the most complex recipe listed here, as you'll need a cooking pot and spoon for stirring, nut bags for straining, and additional containers to catch the liquids/solids that you need to separate.

The two recipes listed here have been tried and enjoyed though they use slightly different ingredients and techniquies.

Custard & Flan

You will need:

Turning Custard to Flan

Seasonal Treats

Advent Calendars

Most advent calendars contain dairy, but the ones in this section contain a variety of items from vegan chocolates to gelatin-free gummies, snack bars, and even personal care items.  


A growing number of companies offer this around the November-December holiday season. They come in a variety of strengths with some having a strong spice profile and others being very mild. Some are pleasantly creamy while others have an almost raw-egg consistency. 

They can be a festive addition to hot drinks or alcoholic cocktails.

Some brands also offer eggnog flavored ice cream.

Whipped Cream

You can buy this an a spray can with the dairy, or you may find an alternative in plastic tubs in the frozen desert aisle.

Whipping Cream

This can often be found next to the dairy version, and works exactly the same way in recipes.

Additional Resources

We don't always have the luxury of time to make our own dairy alternatives, just to avoid supporting giant corporations. If you want to avoid online shipping or your local groccery chains, the following buttons link to some directories of alternative business models that may offer some tasty dairy-free products or other useful ingredients.

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