Bubble Curtains


Bubble curtains can perform different tasks in different settings. Depending on the location of a bubble curtain's placement and local needs, the device could potentially do multiple jobs at once. For example dampening noise pollution while also capturing pollution or invasives.

Noise Pollution

Bubble curtains are a crucial technology in marine conservation, especially valuable in the rapidly expanding offshore wind industry. These systems create a barrier of air bubbles that significantly reduce underwater noise pollution, offering essential protection to marine life.

Plastic Pollution, Cigarettes, etc.

When placed diagonally against a moving current, a bubble curtain can help redirect pollution (whether it is floating on or beneath the surface) to a specific point on the shoreline where it can be captured and easily removed by workers or volunteers. These bubble barriers allow wildlife such as fish to pass through without injury, and large or small boats to pass without interruption. The easy permeability of the bubble curtain instead of a physical barrier means there's no concern of tangling in propellers.

Invasive Plants, Algae, & Jelly Fish

Bubble curtains placed in the entrances of bays, marinas, river mouths, and other strategic points can help prevent fragments of invasive plants or algae from accidentally being transported into sensitive ecosystems by boats or their propellers.

Oil Spill Control

Bubble curtains may be able to help corral oil from spills.

Environmental Impact

Noise Pollution

Technical Aspects

Case Studies

Challenges and Innovations


Bubble curtains represent a critical advancement in marine conservation. They balance the demands of energy development with the imperative to protect marine ecosystems. Their role in environmental conservation is increasingly significant as offshore energy projects continue to grow.

Locations to Use

Off-Shore Energy Construction

During construction energy projects (which are critical for reaching our sustainable energy needs) do unfortunately produce a problematic level of noise pollution. However we can combat this issue with the use of bubble curtains.

1:09 minute video showing bubble curtains in use during marine construction and while measuring the effects on the area outside the dual-line bubble screen.




Pollution & Invasive Control

Bubble Curtains: A Brief Introduction

This 1:21 minute video shows the same alignment and capture set up that is used for plastic waste capture, can also work for aquatic weeds which snap off into small pieces and are spread around by boat movements.




Due to reliance on fossil fuels, marinas are known sources of bilge and other types of waste. There are some marina-specific solutions to collecting plastic, which bubble curtains can also do, but bubble curtains may also protect against invasive species, oil spills, and noise pollution which are all common in these spaces.

1:08 minute video showing how oil spills can be contained or excluded from an area such as a marina for easier control and removal.


Methods & Techniques

5:13 minute video shows deployment and moving of bubble lines during wind turbine installment.