

Community level action is considered level 3 action. It can include big corporations, religious groups, schools, villages, town, cities, the local panchayat, and more.

There are many subjects that effect our communities. Many influence one another and can have knock on effects. For example cutting educational spending, unaffordable housing and scarce food can cause increased crime as people struggle to access basic needs. Improving public transport can open new opportunities for families and businesses, banning pesticides and other pollutants can improve public health, saving everyone money. 

The following page explores some things that can be done at the community level to help both people and the planet. When people are healthier, have all their basic needs met, mental health is generally better, and people have more resources such as free time and money to focus on helping the environment themselves.

Where to Focus First

Energy use and emissions will be different in every community, so the items on this page will be organized according to global stats. 

If you find that (for example) more energy is wasted on transport than industrial processed in your community, then you might want to focus your efforts on improving local transport first. Or maybe your community runs on mostly renewable resources, so focusing on the local economy would make sense, especially if it's a high-impact industry like cattle grazing, wool production, for fast fashion.

The following are listed approximately from greatest impact to less.

Energy Use

The following are broken up by topic to give an overview of how communities can work together to reduce their impact.

Transport Infrastructure

Transportation is the lifeblood of a community. The safety and accessibility of local roads and transit options can determine if people can access education, employment opportunities, health care, emergency resources, enjoy local entertainment such as festivals or even holidays.

When we focus on slowing local transit, the roads become safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and people with disabilities. Safe roads, decrease crime, and increase the likelihood that children will be able to go outside to play, socialize, and experience a healthy level of independence.

Unsafe roads not only kill people via accidents, but the pollution reduces children's intelligence, increases health risks such as heart, lung and brain damage. When cars are wizzing by, crimes on the street are less likely to be reported, or even noticed. Cars generally travel further to big box stores, instead of supporting smaller, more local businesses. By comparison, studies have found that bike and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, and limitations on street parking actually increase the amount of money customers spend locally. When potential customers are moving more slowly, they are more likely to notice businesses they would miss by car, those same customers have more money freed up that would otherwise go to gas, parking, and costly vehicle maintenance. Not to mention that hungry or thirsty cyclists are more likely than car drivers to stop for snacks or meals and to hydrate along their travel routes.

Money & Emissions Savings From Investing in Buses & Bike Infrastructure

"The argument that embracing a low-carbon future is a road map to economic ruin is bunk, say a band of economists who argue that investing in more efficient transportation, buildings and waste management could save cities worldwide at least $17 trillion. One way to unlock that savings is to promote bikes and buses."

The same article explains, "Transportation comprises as much as one-third of the emission reductions the report says cities can "unlock." That's good for 3.7 gigatons of carbon reductions, which is up to 20 percent of the CO2 emissions needed to keep the global mean temperature from increasing by more more 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. In other words, changing how we get around could save money, and maybe the environment."

Building Efficiency

Energy use in buildings is often around 1/3rd of a community's energy use, though sometimes much higher, especially in extreme conditions where people rely on heating or cooling to survive.

Creating buildings codes and community amenities to conserve energy should take priority as we switch to green energy. Scientists have found that when switching to green energy, our energy use often goes up, which unfortunately makes it harder to meet our total transition goals.

By reducing our energy use, we will reach net zero more easily and cheaply. Electricity-free solutions like using sunlight instead of artificial light, line drying clothes, using passive and/or low-energy heating and/or cooling with location-appropriate insulation and designs will help reduce people energy bills, which in turn may help them afford a switch to renewable energies or even to update their own appliances to more environmentally friendly devices. 

On the community scale, leaders can enact community energy programs like Berlin's new giant thermos which uses excess renewable energy to heat water, that can be used by hundreds of residential buildings. Some councils have had solar installations built on public buildings, with the energy now going to low-income families who would otherwise not be able to afford their energy bills.


Depending on the local economy, this is often another major consumer of energy. 

Even worse is that some industries need particularly hot temperatures, that can be harder to achieve without fossil fuels. Some new technologies are emerging that can meet industry needs with renewables, and new battery technologies.

Light Waste & Pollution

Light pollution is a community-wide problem, where neighbors and businesses can cause pollution for one another at the small scale, but communities can pollute the sky for other communities. When this gets out of control, light pollution grows to the point that communities through an entire island or country may lose the ability to see the night sky and connect with their heritages.

Light pollution is often overlooked as a source of energy waste, but when lights are kept on all night (while potential users are all asleep), or turned upward where they become blinding glare to drivers or cast off into space where they block out the stars, about 35% of outdoor lighting is estimated to be wasted by poor orientation.

One of the biggest contributors to light pollution is the inappropriate design and direction of public streetlights, but the guide to the right (or above if you are on a phone), explains how these problems can be fixed or avoided. The article also presents a range of existing street and park light designs that not only elegant, but also help reduce light pollution in their communities.

For more information about light pollution and eco-friendly lighting solutions, please click the buttons below.

Dangers & Disasters

Understanding the dangers and possible disasters that can impact our communities means we can build strategies and infrastructure to protect against these things before they strike. 

See our Dangers & Disasters page to see how climate change and other issues influence our vulnerabilities to different types of danger or disasters, and how these can in turn impact those same issues around us.

We've included antibiotic resistance, floods, fires, and more.

Food Security

Food security is a growing concern world wide, especially for communities who see shortages due to poverty, severe weather and climate emergencies, water shortages, pandemic shut downs, or even violent conflicts.

"According to estimates from the Food and Agriculture Organisation, some 828 million people, almost one in ten, are currently undernourished, regularly not getting enough food in order to lead an active and healthy life. At the same time, agriculture is producing more food than ever before, both in total numbers as well as on a per capita basis, despite the fact that the world population is growing. If the harvest was used entirely and as effectively as possible as food, it could already feed 12 to 14 billion people." - 

Click the Food Security button to learn more about some of the major causes food shortages, and appropriate steps that can be taken to help end this problem.

Click the Food & Carbon button to learn more about which food choices produce the most emissions vs which ones help sequester the most. This can help ensure cleaner air for communities, boost nutrition, and help improve people's health, since many of the worst polluting food products are also some of the least efficient and least healthy.

Eating Local

Eating local is one of the lesser food choices we can take to protect the environment, but it is a great way to help support local farmers and reduce transport emissions.

Reducing Product Consumption & Sharing

At the community level we need to focus on business types that will help reduce consumption and waste. Energy Production and waste, transit, and safety.


Private Equity Causing Homelessness

This One Thing Is Making Your Life More Expensive 5:09 minute video which explains how the private equity boom is causing the current housing crisis, which in turn is putting more people on the streets. 

Fires & Floods Destroy Homes Until People Can't Afford to Rebuild or Move

Sea Level Rise & Housing

"Between 470 to 760 million people could lose their homes to rising sea levels if carbon emissions meet or exceed 4°C of warming — the direction in which business-as-usual is heading — with unstoppable rises to occur over centuries, according to a new report and searchable interactive maps published by Climate Central.

Aggressive carbon reductions resulting in 2°C warming could bring the number as low as 130 million people, the report shows. The analysis comes as world leaders prepare to meet in Paris next month for COP21, which many hope will result in the first international, legally-binding climate change treaty." - 

Evidence- Based Solutions for Homelessness

Buyout Programs for Fire, Flood, & Seal Level Rise Victims

Click the Flooding & Sea Level Rise button to learn more about the dangers of flooding and sea level rise, about the benefits and problems of buyout programs, what can make buyout programs more fair and effective, as well as which places currently have buyout programs.

Home-First Policies 

help people with mental health and/or addition problems more effectively than programs that require people to "fix their lives" before applying for basic necessities.

Currently it isn't unusual for governments to require applicants to have a home address in order to apply for food or medical aid, disallowing the use of homeless shelter addresses.

Self-Managed Tiny Home Communities

Eco-Friendly Building Solutions

Floating Homes

Plastic Bottle Buildings

Rebuild it Better: Construction From Recycled Plastic Bottles Proven to Withstand 9.8 Earthquake

8:17 minute video. "The film explores the method of ecological construction and examines how nylon-6 fishnet is used to replace steel within the structural slab and recycled plastic PET Bottles packed with earth are used to replace conventional baked bricks. Capable of withstanding up to 9.8 on the Richter scale the seismic testing of the method of construction is also examined."

Plastic Bricks & Paving

These are cheap the make, more durable than traditional brick, and lighter, making them easier to transport. When designed with air space in between they can also offer great insulation for people living inside.

One major concern is the safety for workers and microplastics that may shed from exposed plastic surfaces, especually for walkways with high traffic. When used as internal building materials, with paint or other types of exterior, they will probably last for 100+ years without negatively impacting the environment or people.

These Recycled Plastic Bricks Are Stronger Than Concrete | Trailblazers | BBC Earth Lab

8:32 minute video. All over Africa, different entrepreneurs are experimenting with ways to recycle plastic waste into affordable housing options. The Kenyan woman in this video explains and shows the process she invented. 

Ghanaian turns plastic waste into affordable homes | Building a house in Ghana

23:41 minute video. The Ghanaian man who created these blocks explains how a central groove in the blocks prevents heat exchange from the outside, helping these new buildings remain a comfortable temperature inside. Sand is used to help make these homes more fire retardant. 


These bricks are made of around 40% sargassum, plus dirt, water, and other ingredients common in traditional brick making.

A Mexican entreprenure who was already being paid to remove the dangerous seaweed from beaches, worked out how to turn the waste into affordable building blocks for poor families.

Research has found that seaweed is a great insulator that keeps home cool in the summer, and warm in the winter.

How Bricks Made From Invasive Seaweed Clean Mexico's Beaches | World Wide Waste | Insider Business

"Millions of tons of sargassum wash up on beaches across North America every year. Exposure can lead to breathing problems, and it costs millions to clean it up. Now, one Mexican entrepreneur is building houses out of bricks made from the invasive species."

"Examples where brown seaweed (macroalgae) is being used for building material include the following: 

Organizations & Companies



North America




Principles of Healthy Community Design

Home & Community Placement

5 Best (and Worst) Places to Build a Home or Village

10:33 minute video focuses on the best places to put living spaces based on permaculture principles, passive solar heating, wildfire threats, flooding threats, and landslide risks. This info also applies to bigger communities like towns and cities.

The video also covers exceptions to these general rules, such as arid regions.

Track Transit

The 10 Most Useless Urban Rail Systems In the US: Poor Frequency, Weird Networks, Bad Land Use

14:27: minute video giving examples of what not to do with a rail system to avoid wasting money on infrastructure that will be too inconvenient for users to get adequate use from.

North America train travel is good in some places and terrible in others. There are options to travel between and across Canada and the USA, with at least one train company offering journeys on both sides of the border. 

In Central America and the Caribbean, many tracks have gone out of use, but could be restored. There are routes that can be take from as far North West as Tijuana, Mexico to Costa Rice, or perhaps Panama.

Missing Links: Short-Sighted Transit Planning 11:27 minute video.

The biggest issues facing train transport in Europe and Africa appear to be that those continents are patchworked with countries who have different track sizes and widths from one another, meaning that travel through 2 or more countries may require a number of train swaps and some of the stations are positioned far apart requiring people to travel long distance to the next train station by foot or other method, then buy a new ticked for the new train/track type.

In the UK our public train system was privatized, which has increased ticket costs above what many people can afford for daily travel or even for rare visits to events or places.

South America and Oceana need to focus on expanding their train systems as these would help to diversify people's transit options. 

Some Asian countries have genuinely impressive train and subway systems, particularly Japan, but it should also be noted that Trans Siberian and Silk Road trains gave people the options to travel from as far as Scotland to the East coasts of Russia and China, even as far South as Singapore.

The Middle East has every sparse train networks, but some cities have impressive, and beautiful subway stations. Some locations have plans to building more train networks.

More Resources

Our Transit page talks about different modes of transportation, more-or-less organized from most safe and efficient, to less eco-friendly.

The Bikes & Infrastructure page focuses on bikes, bike advocacy, and community design that creates safer spaces for everyone, even those who never ride.

Our Bike Advocacy Directory lists international and local organizations all over the world who are fighting to make roads safer for everyone. Join one today to learn how you can help make your streets safer, and to know which topics to advocate to your local leaders.


How to Bring Back Front Yard Businesses

8:44 minute video about the resurgence of this traditional family business model.

These hyper-local businesses, much like businesses build on the bottom floors with the owner's residence directly upstairs was the standard for many centuries, if not longer. Today many communities have zoning laws banning them, but bringing them back can help revitalize businesses, reduce travel needs, and help keep money in communities, instead of being siphoned off by international corporations.

This type of business placement only works for people lucky enough to own their own land, or who live in places dense enough or with enough through traffic to support business. 

 These hyper-local businesses, much like businesses build on the bottom floors with the owner's residence directly upstairs was the standard for many centuries, if not longer. Today many communities have zoning laws banning them, but bringing them back can help revitalize businesses, reduce travel needs, and help keep money in communities, instead of being siphoned off by international corporations.

 With this in mind it is important for communities to have spaces for craft fairs, farmers' markets, libraries, and more. The following directories include business types/models that sustain healthy, and vibrant communities.

All milkman services listed are vegan or include vegan options. Many offer glass bottles with return service.

Overlooked & Under-Appreciated Multi-Use Spaces

This section is organized alphabetically.


Why Alleys Are the Most Important Spaces in a City

This 13:16 minute video explains the historical uses of alley ways and how those uses have evolved in recent decades. 

These are vital networks that help business and homes deal with waste, utilities, reduce the danger of fires by creating fire breaks, and how well-designed alleys can be safe shortcuts for people including pedestrians and cyclists.

Greenbelts & Greenways

Greenbelts or greenways are wild areas that often double as public parks where residents and visitors can enjoy nature, flooding overflow areas that protect homes and businesses, as well as a relaxing and safe alternative for people to use instead of dangerous car-dominated roads.

For wildlife they act as habitat and corridors for local species, as well as resting and refueling spots for migratory species.


Introduction to Innovative Stormwater Management 

This is a 4:49 minute video introducing a more detailed video series on the subject.

SUDS are Sustainable Drainage Systems that help reduce flooding, water contamination, drought impacts, and water shortage. You can learn more about SUDS, their many benefits, and their wide variety of forms here.

While standard water management practices focus on getting rid of rain water as quickly as possible, using ugly or even dangerous infrastructure, SUDS can use space efficiently, and even be beautiful. SUDS can include wetlands, public parks, roof gardens, greenbelts or even convert ugly  (and pollution encouraging) grass strips into beautiful rain gardens/pollinator strips.

Tools for Communities


North America







North America




New York


South America




North America



Grants & Funding




National award schemes There are a number of key organisations offering grants and advice to community based projects e.g. 

North America


