Environmental Activism

Benefits of Environmental Activism

Cleaner Air

Food Security

People often underestimate the impact our environment has on our food system, however climate change and global warming, changes in our water cycle, soil loss, and the ongoing mass extinction of important species, especially insects is already negatively impacting our food security, pushing food prices up and causing seasonal food shortages. You may have already noticed that certain fruits, vegetables, or animal products have gone missing from shelves, and this is increasingly because of flooded fields, intense droughts, or pandemics sweeping through thousands or even millions of factory farm animals.

Water Cycle 

Deforestation, land clearing, over extraction of water from both aquifers and natural bodies of water, in combination with climate change is wrecking our water cycle all over the world. This is why we're seeing longer and more extreme droughts even in places that weren't historically dry, as well as intense floods which impact even the places which are historically supposed to be dry.

Even fairly small local actions can help prevent both flooding and reduce drought impact. These include solutions that focus on saving water for human needs, for wildlife, or simply helping to sequester more water in our landscapes.

Environmental Activism Options

There are many ways we can help the environment. Anything from going outside and picking up trash to working on legal and industrial level solutions to environmental problems. Whether you live in a dense city or have a farm in the country side, you can have a positive impact on your environment. The following are just a few suggestions, but if you join or start a local organization, might light learn of new problems and work on solutions to those as well.

Rewilding & Veganism

Scientists have determined that in order to protect our food security, water security, clean air, and public health, we need to keep at least 50% of Earth wild. Currently around 45% of our planet's habitable land is used for agriculture, and 80% of that land is used to raise livestock and grow their feed. This is despite the fact that those livestock only provide around 17% of the global calorie supply, and 38% of global protein.

This means that one of the best things we can to to combat land clearing and deforestation, is to shift to a plant-based diet and an agriculture system that isn't centered around feeding ~50 billion or so livestock. This is equivalent to "stopping the blood flow" before applying further treatment.


Our diets have the greatest impact on land use, deforestation, pesticide use, water use, and uses a fairly large chunk of global energy while producing seriously problematic levels of air, water, and soil pollution

Switching away from animal products and towards a more plant-based diet not only helps us reduce our ecological impact on many fronts, but can also improve our physical and mental health.

Since crops use less resources, this route may be the fastest way to reduce both environmental destruction, while improving global food security, which will result in less people going hungry each year (currently around 828 million people every day). Despite this, crops that should be fed to humans are wasted on livestock, many of which are culled because of disease or market issues instead of being used as food. Right now, "agriculture is producing more food than ever before, both in total numbers as well as on a per capita basis, despite the fact that the world population is growing. If the harvest was used entirely and as effectively as possible as food, it could already feed 12 to 14 billion people." - Hunger in Times of Plenty 


However some parts of Earth have been so badly depleted or biodiversity, nutrients, and water or overwhelmed by invasive species that we need to step in and take some steps to help the land regenerate. This is where rewilding comes in, and this site offers many pages focusing on specific species and types of biomes.

Tree Planting

Tree planting can't make up for the current rate of deforestation committed by the livestock and lumber industry, however they are important for biodiversity, and absorbing air pollutants including greenhouse gases. They can also reduce energy use when planted strategically around communities and homes.

Mass tree planting in hard-to-reach places are generally unsuccessful, but smaller plantings near to people who are invested in their care, and who can provide routine maintenance are much more likely to survive. Car may include

Habitat Connectivity

It isn't always practical to plant trees in every location, but fragmentation of forests can be a big problem for wildlife including the trees themselves which rely on small animals like squirrels, monkeys, and birds to spread their seeds. By creating wildlife corridors including hedgerows we can help provide cover, nesting sites, and food for animals as they travel between pockets of forest.

Farm, Urban, & Garden Solutions

No matter where you live or work you can have an impact.

Urban rewilding can be as small as putting a pot of wildflowers on your doorstep or balcony, even bird feeders or bird baths can make a big difference that you'll notice as soon as your wild neighbors start to notice the new resources!wilding can be as small as putting a pot of wildflowers on your doorstep or balcony, even bird feeders or bird baths can make a big difference that you'll notice as soon as your wild neighbors start to notice the new resources!

Science & Conservation


These are generally one-day events, though they may last for only a short period such as an hour or over several days. They are a great way to get adults and children both out in nature and involved with science.

Pollution Prevention

Tools & Apps

North America



Resources & Guides


Hong Kong


The following green buttons can take you to directory pages or info pages with directories to international and local groups working on specific issues that focus on or involve environmentalism.

Beneath those we have listed organizations by region.

Not only do bike advocacy groups strive for a cleaner air, improved health, and transit equality, but some of their projects also involve creating greenways or bike trails. These can go hand in hand with conservation efforts, though trails that bring people into wild spaces can also disrupt animal behavior, so it is always wise to create spaces people can use to connect with nature, as well as human-free areas where animals can peacefully raise their young and feed.

Walkability organizations focus on car-free infrastructure that not only protects human lives and health, but can also be combined with general environmentalism. For example you might want to work with local politicians to use a neglected lot as a community park that people can use as a short cut away from traffic fumes on their way to work or school.

Oyster reefs have vanished to a mere fraction of their original habitat. Not only are they a vital carbon sink, but they also clean polluted water, and help protect us from storm surges and coastal flooding. By protecting and re-creating these critical reef habitats, we can help boost other types of ocean biodiversity too!

Vegan activism can include anything from the silent activism of just eating a plant-based diet, to spreading awareness, or even working to change government policies, such as opposing the immense meat subsidies that make corporations rich at the expense of small farmers and public health.

Grants & Funding

North America

