Garden Pond

Garden Ponds

These can range in size from a small container with a pump for aeration to a lake. The primary concerns are the inclusion of plant life, sloped areas that wildlife can use to access or escape from the pond, and some kind of filter or aeration device to ensure water movement and aeration. Rocks can provide hiding places for aquatic animals, or create safe perches for wildlife to sun themselves or set themselves on to drink, hunt, play, or rest.

Be aware that this guide is for UK gardeners! This means you will want to find appropriate plants for your garden pond if you live somewhere else, so you don't introduce anything invasive.

Use the links bellow to find the best plants for your areas:






Grants & Funding



National award schemes There are a number of key organisations offering grants and advice to community based projects e.g. 



Western Australia

Native Plant Subsidy "Native plants provide natural food sources and shelter for native animals, are water wise and can help cool your home naturally. To help you create a waterwise garden, the City of Cockburn offers native plant subsidies to both residents and schools."