Zero Waste Networks
Table of Contents
Zero-waste is a wonderful idea, but can be anywere from difficult to impossible to engage in all on your own.
This page is for people and organisations who want to join forces with others in their community or region. The organizations and hubs listed on this page seed to connect, engage, and educate.
We're always looking to improve, so if we've missed a group you know about, please tell one of the mods of r/PlaneteerHandbook so we can include them for others to find.
Zero-Waste Networks & Hubs by Location
BuyNothing Project "We exist to build resilient communities where our true wealth is the connections forged between neighbors." "We provide free global Buy Nothing gift economy access, community resources, and personal support to Buy Nothing participants via our app, website, and support forums. This is currently made possible thanks to charitable donations to our fiscal sponsor, Angels for Angels."
Enviro Pet Waste Network (EPWN) "connects people and communities that are successfully diverting dog and cat waste, plastic bags and clay litter from landfills with those who want to learn how to develop similar programs in their own cities and towns. This website will help you find eco-friendly options for managing pet waste."
International Solid Waste Association "is an international network of waste professionals and experts from around the world whose mission is “To Promote and Develop Sustainable and Professional Waste Management Worldwide and the transition to a circular economy.”
We hope to achieve this by bringing together waste experts from around the world to network, create best practices, produce industry reports, as well publishing our own scientific journal Waste Management and Research. We are the platform that allows our members to share and curate knowledge among their peers."Restarters Community "We are a global community of people who make local repair events happen and campaign for our right to repair. Whether you run repair events (such as Restart Parties or Repair Cafés) or are simply interested in fixing things, you're more than welcome."
Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives (ZERI) "is a global network of creative minds, seeking solutions to the ever increasing problems of the world. The members take on challenges, other will consider impossible or too complex. Starting from ideas, based on science, the common vision shared by each and every member of the ZERI network is to seek sustainable solutions for society, from unreached communities to corporations inspired by nature's design principles. Innovative solutions are constantly designed by the ZERI teams drawn from many walks of life and expertise."
Zero Waste International Alliance "has recognized nonprofit organizations, municipalities, and businesses across the globe as leaders working towards zero waste."
GAIA "Working with our members across the region, GAIA in Africa strives to shift the narrative on plastic pollution, challenge incineration, promote zero waste and demand climate justice. As a result of robust outreach efforts to strengthen our engagement in key African countries and cover the continent’s cultural and linguistic diversity, our presence in Africa has grown from eight active members in 2017 to 42 members in 2020. Developing sub-regional collaboration is critical to our work on the continent.
Many of our members are experts in different aspects of waste management, and our diverse network provides a platform to support, highlight and amplify their work while allowing us to share solutions that can be found in different parts of the region. To date, GAIA members have successfully defeated three municipal incinerator proposals, piloted zero waste projects that demonstrated high engagement from low-income communities and championed strong enforcement on plastic policies among many other victories." Instagram, LinkTreeSlums Going Green and Clean (SGGC) "is a community-based organization (CBO) that works to improve the living conditions in informal settlements such as slums by promoting environmental sustainability and cleanliness."
Ghana’s Waste Recovery Platform "We work with companies, governments, non-profits and other organizations to address complex challenges on a worldwide scale. Our partners contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support and more are helping promoting waste recovery in Ghana." Waste Map
Slums Going Green and Clean SGGC-KENYA "assists urban communities in adopting environmentally sustainable habits by creating awareness, inspiring involvement, and encouraging action." Kibera, Nairobi
Asia Pacific
Zero Waste Asia (GAIA) "is by the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Asia Pacific." Instagram, SproutLink
Korea Waste Movement Network "was created to solve the social problems on wastes. KWMN are core group for networking various kinds of NGO groups against waste problems. For the zero-waste society, KWMN are raising public awareness, researching alternatives, livening up public activities, setting up recycling system, and influencing public policy on waste management.
Today, about 270 member clubs including women, consumers, civic, and environmental groups are participated in this network. In 2001, this network consists of several committees such as committee for wrapping wastes, for incineration/landfill, for food wastes, for toxic wastes, and for policy counseling.
Please send any questions, comments, and suggestions for additions to: KWMN web site: "
Health Environment and Climate Action Foundation (HECAF360) "Working closely with various international development agencies as well as national and international NGOs, HECAF360 today manages an array of projects across 3 program areas: Health, Environment and Climate.
HECAF360 designs and implements innovative Zero Waste management systems in hospitals, schools, and municipalities. We encourage safe non-burn technology, support plastic waste management schemes on both institutional and community levels, and widely encourage the 3Rs of waste management: reduce—reuse—recycle."
Zero Waste Europe "connects and supports a vibrant network of 35 local and national NGOs from all around Europe sharing common values and objectives and working together for a zero waste future.
The member organisations promote zero waste in line with the zero waste hierarchy, manage the network of zero waste municipalities, and engage with decision-makers and companies.
The ZWE network is a space for growth, inspiration and innovation, in which members work together in a united, strong voice to scale up positive change in Europe."
Zero Waste Austria "hat verschiedene Stellen in den Bereichen Social Media Content Creation, Blogs und Marketing ausgeschrieben! Außerdem suchen wir eine Juristin oder einen Juristen pro Bono.
Dir ist Zero Waste und ressourcenschonender Umgang mit der Umwelt genauso ein großes Anliegen wie uns? Du möchtest in einem größtenteils ehrenamtlichen Team deine Ideen verwirklichen? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung!"
Belgium / België
Recycling Netwerk Benelux (RNB) "is an independent environmental organisation, connecting several environmental organisations on the subject of primary materials and their impact. Our goal is to limit as much as possible the environmental damage caused, from production to waste management. Therefore, our network wants: always more and always better recycling.
Recycling Netwerk has been active for years in the Netherlands, and is now expanding its activities to Belgium."Zero Waste Belgium "Sensibiliser sur les enjeux et promouvoir les pratiques zéro déchet et zéro gaspillage.
Vous informer sur l’importance et l’urgence de modifier nos pratiques de consommation. Vous proposer des solutions simples, conviviales et accessibles à tous. Retrouverez sur des événements, derrière notre stand de sensibilisation ou lors d’ateliers donnés dans votre entreprise ou dans les écoles, sans oublier nos réseaux sociaux!"
Bulgaria / България
Za Zemiata / ЗА ЗЕМЯТА (Zero Waste Bulgaria) "Сдружение ЗА ЗЕМЯТА е независима, неправителствена организация, обединяваща усилията на хора, решени да работят за създаване на природосъобразен и равнопоставен живот на нашата планета, който изключва експлоатацията на хората и природата.
ЗА ЗЕМЯТА работи в сътрудничество с екологични организации на национално и международно равнище."
Croatia / Hrvatska
Zelena Akcija (Friends of the Earth Croatia) "već više od 20 godina aktivno radi na unaprjeđenju sustava gospodarenja otpadom u Zagrebu, a zajedno s udrugom Pravo na grad 2015. je pokrenula kampanju „Zagreb – europska prijestolnica smeća“."
Cyprus / Κύπρος
Friends of the Earth Cyprus / Φίλοι της Γης "Friends of the Earth works with local communities and cities in Cyprus for the adoption drastic and holistic measures for waste prevention, all while raising public awareness towards the adoption of smarter lifestyles and sustainable consumption patterns in line with “circular” resource management."
Czech Republic / Česká Republika
Hnutí DUHA (Friends of the Earth Czech Republic) "Odpady jsou pouze nevyužitý zdroj surovin. V přírodě žádné odpady nejsou. Vše je surovinou. Naši experti pracují na evropské, národní, regionální i místní úrovni na tom, aby tomu tak skutečně bylo."
Estonia /Eesti
Let’s Do It Foundation "was established in 2011 to support the growth of a civic movement of nation-wide cleanup actions. Over the years we have mobilised 36 million positive-minded, action-orientated people in 169 countries. After calling to life World Cleanup Day – the biggest civic action against waste – we are continuing our work towards a waste free world. While people can have a comparatively similar impact when cleaning, they can have a substantially greater impact as influencers in their communities.
To tackle the problem at source, we have put together a helpful guideline the Keep It Clean Plan, to help anyone get started who feels they could do more. Our programs are built around the concepts of circular economy and zero waste."
Les groupes locaux Zero Waste "sont des collectifs de citoyen·nes et des associations membres de Zero Waste France. Ils promeuvent la démarche zéro déchet, zéro gaspillage grâce à des campagnes et actions menées sur leur territoire. A ce jour, il existe une centaine de groupes locaux formés et coordonnés par Zero Waste France."
Zéro Déchet Roubaix "Mettre à profit les moyens de la collectivité pour faciliter l'essor d’opportunités économiques à faible impact sur l’environnement, créatrices d’emplois, et à haute valeur sociale."
Zero Waste France "Plus d'un milliard de tonnes. Ce sera la quantité de plastique en 2050 si la production se poursuit au rythme actuel. À l'occasion des négociations sur le traité international pour mettre fin à la pollution plastique, Zero Waste France se mobilise aux côtés de ses partenaires associatifs pour changer la donne."
Germany /Deutschland
Zero Waste Germany e. V. "is an umbrella organization of several local non-profit associations or bigger environmental groups that share the Zero Waste vision and promote waste reduction through campaigns and activities throughout Germany." "Wir stehen für eine Zero-Waste-Philosophie, bei der die Abfallreduzierung an der Quelle beginnt. Unsere Vision ist es, Teil einer globalen, ökologischen Bewegung zu werden."
Zero Waste Kiel e.V. "is a non-profit association promoting Zero Waste in the area of Lifestyle, Business and Cities. The organisation collects technical, scientific and organisational solutions that serve this purpose and report on it. Another focus of their work is public relations and events on waste prevention." "Wir wollen die Kieler*innen auf das Müll-Problem in unserer Gesellschaft aufmerksam machen. Gemeinsam finden wir Lösungen, müllfreier zu leben und unseren Konsum nachhaltig zu gestalten."
Greece / Ελλάδα
Η Οικολογική Εταιρεία Ανακύκλωσης (Ecological Recycling Society) "ιδρύθηκε το 1990 από μια ομάδα ανθρώπων με ένα κοινό όραμα: την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος από την έως τότε αλόγιστη διαχείριση των αποβλήτων, των φυσικών πόρων, του νερού και της ενέργειας. Από το 1990 η Οικολογική Εταιρεία Ανακύκλωσης μέσα από ποικίλες δράσεις προωθεί την πρόληψη, την επαναχρησιμοποίηση, την ανακύκλωση και γενικότερα τη βιώσιμη διαχείριση των αποβλήτων, των φυσικών πόρων, του νερού και της ενέργειας καθώς και τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη σε τοπικό, εθνικό, Ευρωπαϊκό και διεθνές επίπεδο."
Hungary / Magyarország
Ireland / Éireann
VOICE "is a member-based Irish environmental charity that empowers individuals and local communities to take positive action to conserve our natural resources. VOICE is the NGO expert in Ireland on waste reduction and circular economy. As thought leaders in this space, we lead the way and set a high ambition for Ireland’s circular economy, and push for effective national and local policy development and adoption. VOICE works directly with our partners in Europe on joint and shared initiatives, particularly in the development and advocacy of EU policy. We want Ireland to lead the way, demonstrating the benefits of adopting a truly circular economy." "Through our zero waste communities programme we are working with towns and villages to help them reduce their waste!"
Italy / Italia
Zero Waste Italy "si è costituita nel maggio 2009. Essa ha il compito primario di raccordare le iniziative Zero Waste italiane con le reti europee e mondiali di questo movimento-progetto." Instagram, Facebook "
Latvia / Latvija
Zero Waste Latvia / Zero Waste Latvija "Mēs esam bezatkritumu kustība, kas aicina atkritumus ieraudzīt kā izmantojamus resursus.
Mūsu vīzija - pasaule bez liekā."
Lithuania / Lietuva
Žiedinė Ekonomika "buvo įkurta tam, kad padėtų Lietuvoje skatinti be atliekinę gamybą ir gyvenimo būdą bei populiarinti žiedinės ekonomikos principus tarp verslo ir valdžios institucijų. "Žiedinė ekonomika" aktyviai dirba su savivaldybėmis ir aplinkos ministerija ir dalinasi savo sukauptomis žiniomis bei perteikia nevyriausybinių aplinkosauginių Europos tinklų: Zero Waste Europe ir European Environmental Bureau patirtį. Taip pat dirbame su įvairiomis verslo įmonėmis ir padedame joms pereiti prie žiedinės ekonomikos verslo modelio."
Luxembourg / Lëtzebuerg
Oekozenter Pafendall "is a non-profit organisation in Luxembourg dedicated to advocating for sustainable lifestyles and a circular economy."
Zero Waste Montenegro "aspires to raise awareness and lobby to change laws and behaviour patterns to stop littering and reduce waste production at the source. Methodologies involve alternatives to single-use products and packaging, reusing and recycling discarded materials locally, and moving away from waste incineration (learn here why) and land-filling. Our vision is part of the global ecological transition, acting under environmental justice and with respect for human rights and better consideration of the most disadvantaged and future generations."
Netherlands / Netherland
Recycling Netwerk Benelux (RNB) "is an independent environmental organisation, connecting several environmental organisations on the subject of primary materials and their impact. Our goal is to limit as much as possible the environmental damage caused, from production to waste management. Therefore, our network wants: always more and always better recycling.
Recycling Netwerk has been active for years in the Netherlands, and is now expanding its activities to Belgium."
Poland /Polska
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zero Waste "Nieidealni, ale pełni zapału!
To hasło, które jest z nami od początku. Każdego dnia staramy się żyć z umiarem i zarażać innych ideą bezodpadowego życia. Nie jesteśmy idealni, ale wierzymy, że każde, nawet najmniejsze działanie ma znaczenie. A kiedy działa się w grupie, nabiera to jeszcze większej siły…"Towarzystwo na rzecz Ziemi / Society for Earth (TnZ) jest ogólnopolską organizacją działającą na rzecz zachowania, ochraniania i odtwarzania dziedzictwa przyrodniczego oraz ochrony zdrowia i życia ludzi przed szkodliwym oddziaływaniem zanieczyszczeń. Stowarzyszenie działa również na rzecz tworzenia warunków dla rozwoju demokracji lokalnej i umocnienia pokoju oraz upodmiotowienia społeczeństwa. Organizacja powstała w 1989 roku jako nieformalna grupa Federacji Zielonych-Oświęcim. W 1994 roku grupa została zarejestrowana i do 1997 roku jej działalność koncentrowała się przede wszystkim na rozwiązywaniu problemów ochrony środowiska w skali lokalnej. Począwszy od 1997 roku, pod obowiązującą do chwili obecnej nazwą, prowadzi działania na terenie całego kraju."
Circular Economy Portugal "is an environmental NGO that strives to create a circular economy and society without waste. It does this by sharing knowledge and developing projects related to waste prevention, reuse and repair."
Romania / România
Zero Waste Romania "offers free advice and support to local communities in the transition to better waste management and reducing by over 90% the amount of waste stored in landfills. Waste is a resource that can be reused. Thus, Zero Waste Romania promotes waste prevention, through changes in design, production and consumption, recovery of resources in a safe and sustainable way, without incinerators or other toxic technologies.
Zero Waste Romania’s mission is to facilitate the transition to a circular economy."
Slovakia / Slovensko
Priatelia Zeme / Friends of the Earth (SPZ) "Má vaša samospráva problémy s veľkým množstvom nevytriedených odpadov a hrozí vám výrazné zvyšovanie nákladov na odpadové hospodárstvo? A čo tak zaviesť Zero Waste stratégiu vo vašej obci? Urobilo tak už takmer 500 samospráv v Európe. Najlepšie z nich triedia až..."
Slovenia / Slovenija
Ekologi Brez Meja / Ecologists Without Borders "Our mission is to activate and connect individuals, communities, policy makers and businesses to reduce waste while improving well-being. We achieve that by exposing new themes, producing data and creating good practice examples that further stimulate change."
Spain / España
Amigos de la Tierra "is a national Spanish organisation, born in 1979. The national office is located in Madrid, but it also has local groups in the Balearic Islands, Galicia, Aragón, La Rioja and Madrid.
The organisation conducts public mobilisation and advocacy work on Climate Justice, Food Sovereignty and Waste and Resources Justice. People and human rights are at the center of their work and actions."Plataforma Aire Limpio Residuo Cero Madrid (GAIA) is composed of a wide range of civil society organisations, from environmental NGOs to trade unions and neighbourhood associations, that work for the protection of the environment in the Community of Madrid in general and in the southeast region in particular.
Over the years since 2000, this network has been a focal point of resistance to environmental damage in the area against the creation of hazardous waste projects, harmful waste facilities and plans primarily in the Southeastern region of Madrid. An alternative to the current waste treatment, a Zero Waste policy, is promoted across all municipalities of the City of Madrid. The organisation focuses on stopping new incinerators and landfills projects in Madrid. Three of four landfills in Madrid have already been shut down."Retorna "es una iniciativa sin ánimo de lucro integrada por la industria del reciclado, ONG ambientales, sindicatos y asociaciones de consumidores. Trabaja para mejorar el sistema actual de recogida de residuos de envases (contenedor amarillo y verde), que no reutiliza y recicla deficientemente." Barcelona
A Rezero "anhelem una societat que valora els recursos que proveeixen els sistemes naturals i integra tots els materials en processos cíclics, sense matèries tòxiques, ni productes que quedin sense ús.
Una societat conscient del que obté de la natura i que respecta l’entorn i les persones. Això afavoreix una vida digna per tothom, estimula el benestar i el creixement de les persones i una presa de decisions de forma democràtica i equitativa. Una societat que prioritza les relacions personals, de forma oberta i solidària." "based in Barcelona and Manacor. The geographic area of work is mainly Catalonia and Balearic Islands, but also Spain and Europe."
Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse
ZeroWaste Switzerland "would like to encourage and enable citizens, institutions and economic parties to choose a manner of consumption and production without waste, by favouring a renewable and circular economy " "Être dans une démarche Zéro Déchet, c’est voir la vie d’une nouvelle manière.
Ici, nous vous aidons à le faire."
"Eine Zero Waste Strategie verfolgen, heisst das Leben auf eine neue Art zu sehen.
Hier helfen wir euch dabei."Zerowaste Switzerland Map (Interactive) "On this map, you will find shops where the purchase of Zero Waste products is possible. From shops, restaurants, and second-hand shops to farm shops, you can find all kinds of good addresses."
Ukraine / Україна
Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine "— це об’єднання організацій та активістів України, які працюють над вирішенням проблеми відходів в Україні. Головною метою спілки є вплив на реформування системи поводження з відходами та ресурсами в Україні.
Ми прагнемо змістити фокус з дискурсу «як переробити відходи» на дискурс «як запобігти утворенню відходів». Це означає першочергово шукати шляхи повторного використання і популяризації компостування. Вже потім — переробляти усі ресурсоцінні матеріали. ZWAU працює, щоб марнування ресурсів залишилось у минулому.
Наближаємо раціональне безвідходне майбутнє!"Нуль відходів Львів / Zero Waste Lviv "Місією ГО “Нуль відходів Львів” є сприяння реалізації принципів zero waste в Україні шляхом створення зразкового муніципалітету – Львова, який стане прикладом для інших міст."
United Kingdom
Enviro Pet Waste Network (EPWN) "connects people and communities that are successfully diverting dog and cat waste, plastic bags and clay litter from landfills with those who want to learn how to develop similar programs in their own cities and towns. This website will help you find eco-friendly options for managing pet waste."
United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN) "is a network of anti-incineration campaigners founded in 2007 that is coordinated through a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee (Company No 06660486). Click here to read more about UKWIN and its national campaign."
Zero Waste North West "is a local manifestation of a global movement and are a completely voluntary group who work in the community, in schools and with businesses to model ZWCE practice, using creative, innovative and fun methods to transform people’s relationship to waste."
Northern Ireland
NIRN "is the representative body for reuse and repair organisations. Our aim is to promote sustainable reuse and repair as a practical and effective way of tackling Northern Ireland’s waste generation and develop opportunities in the Circular Economy."
Circular Communities Scotland "As well as supporting and representing our members, we are also involved in projects and programmes to support the third sector, in pursuit of zero waste."
Zero Waste Scotland: Knowledge Hub "The home of our knowledge and expertise. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, our knowledge hub provides a wealth of information to help us all accelerate and support Scotland’s just transition to zero waste and a circular economy. "
North America
Enviro Pet Waste Network (EPWN) "connects people and communities that are successfully diverting dog and cat waste, plastic bags and clay litter from landfills with those who want to learn how to develop similar programs in their own cities and towns. This website will help you find eco-friendly options for managing pet waste."
British Colombia
Recycling Council of British Colombia "We’re BC’s trusted source of information on local curbside recycling services, province-wide Extended Producer Responsibility and stewardship programs, share, reuse and repair options, as well as best practices from around the world."
Costa Rica
La Zero Waste Costa Rica "se dedica a impulsar el manejo adecuado de residuos orgánicos y reciclables por medio de capacitaciones y asesorías. Se involucra en educación, generación de conocimiento, capacitación, difusión de información, asesorías, certificación y en construir alianzas con diferentes sectores de la sociedad."
Dominican Republic
Fundación Héroes del Medio Ambiente "Organización socioambiental sin fines de lucro incorporada en la República Dominicana." "Explorando las posibilidades de la utilización de residuos plásticos para la construcción de viviendas económicas en la República Dominicana con Carlos Levinton del Centro Experimental de la Producción de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FADU UBA) y Florencia Breyter del proyecto Fábricas Sociales de la ciudad de Buenos Aires."
Container Recycling Institute "CRI’s mission is to make North America a global model for the collection and quality recycling of packaging materials."
Eco-Cycle this organization's "mission is to innovate, implement, and advocate for local and global Zero Waste solutions to foster a more regenerative, equitable, and climate-resilient future."
Enviro Pet Waste Network (EPWN) "connects people and communities that are successfully diverting dog and cat waste, plastic bags and clay litter from landfills with those who want to learn how to develop similar programs in their own cities and towns. This website will help you find eco-friendly options for managing pet waste."
Global Anti Incineration Alliance (GAIA) "Join us and hundreds of municipal officials and waste management implementers from around the world for this virtual interactive event. Together with experts and advocates, we will discuss the latest trends around zero waste — the most cost-effective way to phase out waste disposal, create better jobs, build resilient communities, facilitate just transition and take climate action." Instagram, LinkTree
Health Care Without Harm "works to transform health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental footprint, becomes a community anchor for sustainability and a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice."
The Institute for Local Self-Reliance "has a vision of thriving, diverse, equitable communities. To reach this vision, we build local power to fight corporate control. We are a national research and advocacy organization that partners with allies across the country to build an American economy driven by local priorities and accountable to people and the planet.
Local self-reliance means that people are able to exercise power over our lives: how we provide for our families, how resources are shared and allocated in our communities, and how decisions made by government, corporations and business affect all of us.
We recognize the biggest challenges in the U.S. today are corporate control and diminishing community power which undermines the strength of our democracy and local economies. For us, local self-reliance is the best answer to these challenges.
So whether it’s fighting back against the outsize power of monopolies like Amazon, ensuring high-quality locally-driven broadband service for all, or advocating to keep local renewable energy in the community that produced it, ILSR advocates for solutions that harness the power of citizens and communities."RILA's: Zero Waste Network (ZWN) "is composed of leading retail waste management and compliance executives who work to improve materials management and eliminate product and packaging waste throughout their supply chains, distribution networks and facilities. As the retail industry moves forward on a path to a more circular economy, the ZWN provides a forum for retail zero waste executives to hear from experts and engage peer-to-peer benchmarking on the implementation, management, and oversight of retail waste programs." RILA = Retail Industry Leaders Association
Zero Waste America "This website is devoted to educating visitors on the state of waste management in the U.S. and what you can do about it. Much of the information is still current, but some is dated. So please, take the time to explore the many webpages contained within."
Zero Waste USA "is a nonprofit organization and a Zero Waste International Alliance national affiliate with the goal of inspiring communities to embrace and achieve Zero Waste."
Northern California Recycling Association "NCRA is an association of recycling businesses, community groups, municipalities, and individuals committed to promoting, expanding, and institutionalizing recycling. Founded in 1978, NCRA is a nonprofit trade organization for recyclers with around 200 members, the majority of whom are located in Northern California. Boat rockers, we are active locally, regionally, state-wide and nationally depending on what needs to be done.
NCRA promotes waste reduction, reuse, salvaging, recycling, and composting as vital tools for resource and energy conservation, and as cost-effective, environmentally sound methods of disposing of discarded materials."Zero Waste Humboldt "Zero Waste Humboldt specializes in providing waste reduction solutions through public education, advocacy, and technical assistance and training.
ZWH provides services on traditional Wiyot territory. We are learning to participate in processes to acknowledge historical atrocities, honor the sovereignty of Native Tribes/Nations, and find ways to engage in developing deeper relationships and true partnerships with our neighbors of Wiyot and other indigenous ancestry. To support the efforts of the Wiyot Tribe and to learn more, contact: and ."
Ann Arbor: Returnable Take out Container Program "Try out Ann Arbor’s returnable container program and experience zero waste takeout!"
New York
Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB) "Created in 1989 under Local Law 19, the MSWAB advances ideas, insights, and initiatives to achieve NYC’s Zero Waste x 2030 goal."
Enviro Pet Waste Network (EPWN) "connects people and communities that are successfully diverting dog and cat waste, plastic bags and clay litter from landfills with those who want to learn how to develop similar programs in their own cities and towns. This website will help you find eco-friendly options for managing pet waste."
Zero Waste Network (formerly CRN) Australia "is the peak body representing Australian community recycling enterprises. Zero Waste Network Australia members are spread throughout Australia. The Zero Waste Network annual forum is our key networking and educational event, and a great chance to catch up in person."
Rethink Waste Tasmania: Tip Shop Trail "Tasmania’s Tip Shops are far from trashy. In fact, they can contain a treasure trove of bargains that are definitely too good to waste. Whether you’re looking for bikes or books, kitchenware or clothing, tools, tables or even a kitchen sink, chances are your local Tip Shop has a bargain just waiting to be discovered. So, go local or use our handy Tasmanian Tip Shop Trail map to go roaming. Either way you’ll be doing your wallet, the environment and maybe even a local charity some good by choosing to rethink and re-use!"
New Zealand
Sustainability Trust "As a leader in sustainability in the Wellington region, it is important that we support our communities to take climate change action and nurture their relationship with Papatūānuku. To do this, we must make sure that our own whare is in order and be an exemplar as a sustainable business.
In short, sustainability is more than part of our name, it's our way of being."
Waiheke Recovery Shop "connected to the Waiheke Community Resource Recovery Park, is run by Island Waste Collective (IWC).
The Recovery Shop plays a useful role in diverting unwanted items away from landfill for reuse or recycling.
You can hunt for bargains, and donations of quality used goods can be taken to the Waiheke Community Resource Recovery Park at 108-110 Ostend Road, Waiheke."Wastebusters "We reduce, reuse and recycle to champion behaviour change. Our place is a hub which connects people, things and ideas."
Xtreme Zero Waste "Community Recycling Services & Resource recovery centre founded by families in the community (2000).
We are a whanau working together with yours, towards zero waste.
Ko te mahi ngatahi kia para kore te whenua."ZeroWaste Network "represents community enterprises across Aotearoa New Zealand who are working towards zero waste. Our mission is connect, educate, enable and inspire them to reach their goals and to be a unifying voice at local, regional and central government levels" Use the community map, and select business types including repair shops, resale shops, recyclers, and more.
South America
Fundación Ecologista Verde "Somos una organización de la sociedad civil sin fines de lucro.
Destinada a promover los principios del desarrollo sostenible, buscando incidir en las decisiones de gobiernos, empresas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil a favor de la adopción de políticas, programas, proyectos y prácticas sostenibles que promuevan la ciudadanía, el respeto de la diversidad social y natural y el uso de tecnologías apropiadas para el cuidado y la regeneración del ambiente.
Somos Organización Partner de NEPCon (Naturaleza, Economía y Personas Conectadas), entidad internacional sin fines de lucro, con presencia en más de 100 países, cuya misión es apoyar un mejor uso de los suelos y las prácticas empresariales que beneficien a las personas, la naturaleza y el clima. Su visión es un mundo donde las decisiones humanas aseguren un futuro sostenible."
Brazil / Brasil
Zero Waste Brazil / Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil (ILZB) "Somos um grupo de pessoas movidas pelo sonho de um mundo lixo zero!
O Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil (ILZB) é uma organização da sociedade civil autônoma, sem fins lucrativos pioneira na disseminação do conceito Lixo Zero no Brasil."Zero Waste Youth International Meetings "Que tal desacelerar a máquina juntos? Vamos ser gratos pelo o que já temos e reinventar as coisas?
Dando continuidade ao nosso Global Action Calendar, convidamos vocês a tomar novas atitudes nesse mês de Fevereiro.
Vamos nos questionar sobre o que consumimos, dar novas utilidades a coisas que já temos e sermos criativos..."
Alianza Basura Cero Chile "Red de organizaciones y personas naturales que trabajan activamente por el manejo sustentable de los residuos sólidos urbanos, nuestros bienes comunes, la justicia ambiental y la incidencia en políticas públicas bajo el enfoque"
Basura Cero Global "Somos una Organización no Gubernamental (ONG), líder en establecer sinergias entre el sector público, privado y la ciudadanía en general para que se incorporen los conceptos de Reducir, Reutilizar y Reciclar (3R) en la Gestión Integral de Residuos con el fin de alcanzar metas Basura Cero y economía circular a nivel internacional."
Alianza Basura Cero Uruguay "Representa 🇺🇾 en la Zero Waste International Alliance Integra la Red Uruguaya de ONGs Ambientalistas"
Grants & Funding
Гроші "– цільове фінансування на розвиток: гранти, премії, стипендії, конкурси, де передбачена грошова винагорода, а також тендери від міжнародних організацій"
United Kingdom
Circular Textile Fund "All types of businesses can apply for the Circular Textiles Fund. Whether you make the initial fabrics, design the garments, manufacture textile products, sell them or rent them out or if you use a lot of textiles in your operations, like large volumes of bedding or uniforms.
Even if you are not a textile business at all, but can bring innovative and disruptive new tech or systems that can help accelerate a move to circularity."