
Types of Solar Harvesting & Use

Solar Electricity Generation

Most people think of solar panels or Photovoltaic (PV) energy production, but solar energy can also be reflected with mirrors to a specific point then used to heat water or special materials including oils. Steam from super-heated water can be used to generate electricity, which is generally done with curved mirrors or mirrors positioned in an array to concentrate their reflection on the container of water.

Parabolic Solar Arrays & Troughs

A trough-shaped mirror or an array of mirrors can be used to heat water contained in a central location. The water can be turned into steam which can turn a turbine, creating electricity or providing hot water to homes or communities. 

One additional benefit is that heating water to such high temperatures means, bacteria and other contaminants can be eliminated, producing safe drinking water.

Alternatively certain types of oil can be used to generate electricity from a parabolic system.

Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Panels

These can be installed in small batches on or near a building, used in remote locations, or can be installed at a massive scale for community utilities or industrial use. They can produce electricity or be used to heat water.

Solar panels that are connected to a public grid own won't work during power outages unless there is also a battery for some backup energy storage.

Solar Generators 

These can provide energy during a power outage or camping trip.


PV systems are generally paired with lead acid batteries. Click the Lead Acid Batteries button to learn more.

Solar Water Heaters

"Heating water accounts for 25% of residential energy use worldwide, mostly achieved by burning fossil fuels. Solar water heaters do the job without combustion. Unlike solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, which convert sunlight into electricity, solar thermal systems collect solar energy as heat. Solar water heaters transfer this heat to water in a holding tank. Other energy sources, such as natural gas or electricity from a power grid, serve as a backup for cloudy days." -

Some solar water heaters rely on a dark chamber to absorb heat as water pipes run through, taking the heat as it moves.

Other models use a parabolic trough, with a water pipe precisely placed in the middle, where the reflected solar energy is concentrated for collection.

Solar Heaters

This video 9:33 minute video shows how mirrors can be used to heat a variety of materials including oil, steam, air, rocks, and even molten salt. This can generate heat or electricity.

Cooking With Solar

There are 3 ways to cook with solar, solar panels can create electricity for electric appliances, while solar dehydrators and ovens use solar energy directly, without converting to electricity.

Solar Dehydrators

This is one of the oldest forms of solar use, as humans have been drying fruits like grapes into raisins, fish, and meats since before history began. Now we have advances to protect our food from bird droppings, insects. We can add fans to reduce the chance of mold forming, and glass panels to prevent rain from spoiling a batch. Black paint can help increase the internal temperature of a more enclosed system, though some people dry with nothing but a mesh panel and rope or rocks to help keep the food off the ground. 

This is one of the easiest, low-tech ways to make use of the sun, but you can get more complicated and technical depending on your skill and confidence levels.

Solar Ovens

These can be bought or made. They will only cook during daylight hours, and function better on sunny days than cloudy ones. Some will even turn dough into bread!

We turned a simple pizza box into a solar oven with some packing tape and tin foil. We used a kebab skewer to hold open the lid flap we had cut. We were worried about using plastic wrap, so instead we turned an glass baking tray upside down to capture more heat. We put our chocolate treats in silicon baking cups under the glass tray. Even though our test day was very cloudy, the treats melted easily!

Who can Benefit From Solar?


Energy Production & Use

Farmers can cut their own utility costs or even produce extra energy for sale to the grid. Solar panels can help shade crops which protects them from heat waves and hail storms, while also reducing the crop's need for irrigation.

Energy production on farms can help support the energy needs of rural communities and businesses. Mills and other processing locations could also benefit from the reduced cost of energy, vs the soaring costs of fossil fuels.

Electric Vehicles or EVs 

According to the Farmers Electric Cooperative, based on information from the U.S. Department of Energy the following are a variety of reasons why making the switch to EVs can be beneficial:

"Electric Vehicles (EV) Cost Less To Operate Than Gas Powered Cars.
EV operation can be three to five times cheaper than gasoline and diesel powered cars, depending on your local gasoline and electric rates.

EVs Are Environmentally Friendly.
EVs have no tailpipe emissions. The power plant producing your electricity may produce emissions, but electricity from hydro, solar, nuclear or wind-powered plants is generally emission-free.

Never Go To The Gas Station Again.
Electric vehicles do not require gasoline and can be charged at home with a standard 120V outlet or a 240V level 2 charger can be installed for faster, more efficient charging.

EV Performance Benefits.
Electric motors provide quiet, smooth operation, stronger acceleration and require less maintenance than gasoline-powered internal combustion engines.

EV Driving Range & Recharge Time.
EV range is typically around 80 to over 330 miles on a full charge. The average American’s daily round-trip commute is less than 30 miles. Fully recharging the battery pack can take four to eight hours. A "fast charge" to 80% capacity can take 30 min."

Solar Water Pumps

In places like Africa a female farmer may find that a solar pump reduces not only labor but boost crop production and income about 30%.

For Farmers

Click the Solar for Farmers button to learn about programs and businesses in your area that specifically help farmers so solar. We've gathered info about grants, reimbursement programs, and more.

Home Owners

"Heating water accounts for 25% of residential energy use worldwide, mostly achieved by burning fossil fuels. Solar water heaters do the job without combustion. Unlike solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, which convert sunlight into electricity, solar thermal systems collect solar energy as heat. Solar water heaters transfer this heat to water in a holding tank. Other energy sources, such as natural gas or electricity from a power grid, serve as a backup for cloudy days." -

Click the Water Heater button to learn which water heaters may make the most sense for your location and needs.


"There are now 7,332 K-12 schools using solar power nationwide, making up 5.5% of all K-12 public and private schools in the United States.

Since 2014, K-12 schools saw a 139% increase in the amount of solar installed. Today, 5.3 million students attend a school with solar.

79% of the solar installed on schools was financed by a third party, such as a solar developer. This allows schools and districts, regardless of the size of their budget, to purchase solar energy and receive immediate energy cost savings.

Solar-powered school districts can save significantly on energy costs over time. For example, Tucson Unified School District in Arizona expects to save $43 million over 20 years. In Arkansas, the Batesville School District used energy savings to become the highest-paying school district in the county with teachers receiving up to $9,000 per year in raises. 

The top five states for solar on schools are California, New Jersey, Arizona, Massachusetts, and Indiana." - 

The Solar Foundation 

For Schools

Click the Solar for Schools button to learn about programs and businesses in your area that specifically help schools so solar. We've gathered info about grants, reimbursement programs, and more. 

Some of these companies not only install solar systems on school grounds, but also include educational packets that track your school's energy use, to better engage students about the technology as it applies in their own school and  community.

Tools & Maps


Global Energy Monitor’s eight power sector trackers provide the source of underlying data: the Global Coal Plant Tracker, Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker, Global Solar Power Tracker, Global Wind Power Tracker, Global Hydropower Tracker, Global Geothermal Power Tracker, Global Bioenergy Power Tracker, Global Nuclear Power Tracker."



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"The Government of Pakistan is promoting investment in the generation of small scale distributed Renewable Energy, through the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB), on the basis of the Net-Metering concept.

Net metering is an electricity policy for consumers, who own / plan to setup a Renewable Energy facility, which allows them to produce electricity for their own use and supply the excess produce to the national grid setting-off units of electricity consumed during off-peak hours or at times when the production from RE facility is not enough to meet the consumer load. The consumer will either pay reduced utility bill or get paid for access energy exported to the grid, as stated in the contract with the relevant DISCO.

As per these regulations, any customer of the national grid (having three-phase connection) can avail net-metering facility for small-scale (5kW to 1MW) Renewable Energy installations." -

Solar System Installers in Pakistan "Pakistan solar panel installers – showing companies in Pakistan that undertake solar panel installation, including rooftop and standalone solar systems. 339 installers based in Pakistan are listed"

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Find A Recycler

Solar panels have a life expectancy of around 25-30 years. After that, as many as 90% are ending up in landfills, but some companies are now providing solutions, including their efforts to make solar panel recycling as efficient as possible. 

Click the Solar Panel Recycling button to see our directory of PV recyclers.