Technology, Robotics, & Monitoring

Educational Apps


North America



Energy Production


Kits & Lesson Plans


Water Monitoring

Wildlife Monitoring

Monitoring Wildlife & Nature

Many species are going extinct at an increasing rate throughout our planet, but by learning which species are native or invasive, we can help the species who are struggling. Similarly, by identifying invasive species we can report sighting or even find solutions so that they can't continue to harm our fragile ecosystems.

Citizen Science


These are generally one-day events, though they may last for only a short period such as an hour or over several days. They are a great way to get adults and children both out in nature and involved with science.

Light & Light Pollution

Marine Monitoring

North America


Water Monitoring

There are a few ways to monitor our water resources. You can use a rain gauge to track precipitation (just remember to empty it out and clean it once in a while), use chemistry tests to check for pollution and pH, or dip net to discover what species live in your local bodies of water then learn what the presence of these species can tell us about pollution levels.



Frost Valley Education: Pond Exploration 6:47 minute video

This video shows a dichotomous key for species in the USA, which may be more or less useless in other countries. If you can't find one locally or on this page, then check in with your local wildlife organizations, or try to find a book with pictures to identify your local wildlife. A small identification book for your local wildlife should work fine, it just takes a little longer than a one-page key.

Lesson Plans

Dichotomous Keys

Wildlife Camera Traps

Camera traps can be a great way to help kids learn about nocturnal life, urban wildlife, and generally what kinds of animals live in their community. Kids will start to see the animals as part of the community, and may enjoy projects that help animals survive such as creating shelter, water sources, food sources. To take things a step further, you may want to use these as an opportunity to engage in citizen science. Some organizations have camera traps and need people to sift through the footage to find endangered animals, or you may be able to report the species caught on your own traps to support conservationists and animal-friendly policies.

Wildlife Monitoring Apps

We have a growing list of citizen science projects including monitoring apps and camera trap programs on our Citizen Science page.

Search the international options, as well as by continent or see if there are options specific to your country.

Resources & Guides


Hong Kong



North America

