

~ Pollution - eg. Lake Maracaibo in Venazuela

~ Overfishing - eg. Lake Victoria is in multiple African Countries, but feeds a considerable portion to China and Europe


~Overfishing and harmful practices -> Resilience/Genetic Pool - > Extinction vs. Success - >Solutions https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/20/mafia-date-mussels-fight-to-save-mollusc-from-naples-mob-camorra - "... date mussels, Lithophaga lithophaga are cigar-shaped shellfish that make their homes inside limestone, secreting an acid that slowly carves out a tunnel in the rock. They take decades to grow – anywhere from 18 to 36 years to reach just 5cm in length – and can live for more than 50 years."

"But it takes just a few seconds, using sledgehammers or explosives, to pry them loose – devastating the marine environment in the process. Date-mussel fisheries are regarded by scientists as one of the world’s most destructive practices in marine habitats; ecosystems can take more than 50 years to recover from the damage." (cross-related to: “dead zones” and erosion since "The hammering and bombing can cause rock faces underwater to fracture and eventually collapse, which also endangers manmade infrastructure above the waves, he points out.")- related study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969720343953#bb0050 includes useful maps and images Solutions: Change diet to avoid supporting ocean-harming activities like fishing, and https://www.puntacampanella.org/ was mentioned, but I'm not seeing what/if they specifically do anything as far as conservation efforts people can get involved in https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/aug/06/chinese-fleet-fishing-galapagos-islands-environment (I feel like we could link these to China, the Galapagos Island/Protected ocean area, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Panama)

~Fish Farms -> Livestock Farms - > Alternatives & Infrastructure

~Slavery - https://www.verite.org/project/fish-3/

-Dead Zones



-Temperature Impact


-Oxygen Production/Saturation

Communities (aquatic and human)

~Collisions with wildlife - whales


~human communities

~deep sea -> trench life

~open sea

~upper layer

~low oxygen areas and dead zones

~migratory animals and routes
