Sept. 16th-22nd 2024

Weekly Calendar

Monday - Parent teacher conference 3-6, Percussion 5:00-8:00

Tuesday - Full band 3:15 - 6:00

Wednesday -

Thursday - Full band 3:15 - 6:00

 Friday - Ball Game at Peabody

 Saturday - Hornet Invitational All Day



·                      This is what you need to have with you every day for band class and after school rehearsal:

o         Instrument

o        Tennis Shoes for outside

o        Music in your black 1.5inch binder with sheet protectors (must have every day)

o        Drill Book

o        Red water jug-refill these at the water filling stations BEFORE you come down to the field

o        Pencil

o        These things are needed every day as we will be outside unless it rains and then we will make it work. Failure to have these will drop your daily grade.

·                      For after school rehearsals we will wear our rehearsal shirts again:

o        Tuesday - Band Red, Guard Blue

o        Thursday - Band Blue, Guard Red

o        Friday - Section Shirt, or Red under uniform

o        Saturday - We will wear Show shirts. Until those come in wear blue underneath

·                      Failure to wear the correct color on the correct days will result in extra laps. Please wear the correct color when needed as it makes rehearsals more efficient. 

·                     You must pass all memorization tests to be able to march. You will have one week from the first test day to make up your test for a grade. After that week is up then whatever grade you have will stay but you must "pass" to be able to march. At this point all memorization tests have concluded.

·                     Friday we will all meet at our semi at Trenton Peabody at 5:45. We will only be doing pep band but all band/guard members are required to attend the game. We will be wearing Polo and khaki for this game since we will not perform the show. 

·                     This Saturday we will have our first Competition. We will wear UNIFORM!!!!

·                     Attached you will see the South Gibson Contest Schedule and Itinerary for Saturday. We will rehearse on our field before hand. 


·                     The only people other than staff and band that will be permitted to enter stadiums with the band will be the PIT CREW. Mr. Dewayne has his list and if you are not on that list then you will need to purchase a ticket to the game or contest. Our 4 chaperones will also get a bracelet to get into contests. 

·                      Band fee number 4 is due by September 18th. If you have not gotten caught up on payments please do that ASAP. We have to pay our bills so make sure you are making your payments on time. 

·                      Please make sure you are participating in every fundraiser. It is not fair for little Tina to get the same benefits as little Johnny if little Tina didn't help with the fundraiser and little Johnny raised $1,000. Everyone must pull their own weight. 

·                     Trophy sponsor forms have been sent. These are extremely important as this is how we pay for the trophies for our band contest. I have attached the form already.  If you need more than one form just print more or get one from me in the band office. 

·                     We have 1 week left on our Cheesecake fundraiser. Make sure that you are selling for these!!! We use the money Dolly App the Join Code is : E1VG-XSPS

·                      If you have not yet done so, please join the band app and join the band group to get any last-minute announcements. This is for students and parents. Make sure that you have notifications turned on for that!!!!


'Marching Pioneers 24-25' group invitation on BAND

'Marching Pioneers 24-25' group invites you to BAND, app for all groups, which has been downloaded over 100 million times worldwide.

Upcoming Dates

Sep. 20th - Football vs. Peabody Call time is 5:45 at our semi at Peabody high school.

Sep. 21st - Hornet Invitational

Sep. 28th - WTSBOA/Union City Invitational

Oct. 5th - Mustang Invitational

Oct. 10th - Mandatory Night rehearsal