January 8, 2017

Post date: Jan 8, 2017 8:26:15 PM


  • We have started playing our spring concert music and exercises out of the method book. Be sure your student is practicing! They will start having random playing tests in the coming days.

  • Good Luck to the 14 students representing the GC Band at next Saturday's All-West auditions that will be held in Memphis! There are over 2400 students auditioning for around 300 spots in the All-West TN Honor Bands. The competition will be tough but our students have been working hard!

  • Mr. Congiardo will continue his lessons TOMORROW! Be on time and prepared!

  • Jazz Band begins TOMORROW! Jazz Band will rehearse tomorrow from 3:15-4:30 in the band room.

  • Band Booster Meeting - TOMORROW NIGHT - 7:00 pm - Band Room - Come as we prepare for the spring semester!

  • Percussion Ensemble will rehearse on Tuesday & Thursday of this week from 5-7 in the band room.

  • Brass Ensemble will begin THIS THURSDAY! Brass Ensemble will rehearse from 3:15-4:30 in the band room on Thursday!

  • All-West students will have their final lessons with me on Tuesday or Thursday of this week.

  • The last day to sign-up for the University of Memphis Honor Band Clinic is THIS FRIDAY! Sign-up sheet is located on the office window.

  • All-West auditions will be held this Saturday at Arlington HS in Memphis. Audition times have been posted to the WTSBOA website (www.wtsboa.com) under "What's New". Students are required to find his/her own transportation to the auditions as the we (directors) have to work the event all day (7am-~7pm). Students should plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before his/her audition time and are free to leave immediately following their audition. I will receive score sheets at the end of the day but how those scores fit into the band we will not know until the first of next week so results will not be available until then.

  • UT Martin Honor Band students MUST pay for their honor band rooms by THIS THURSDAY ($52)!

  • Keep up-to-date with all your band dates for the spring/summer on the band's website - http://gchsmarchingpioneers.org

  • Don't forget to fill out your survey from the district office regarding the calendar for the 17-18 school year. The survey can be found at www.gcssd.org.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, January 20th & Tuesday, January 24th - Pep Band Performances - 6:00 pm - Students will need to be there at 5:15 dressed in GC spirited attire!

  • January 26-28 - UT Martin Honor Band - We will depart after first block on Thursday and you will need to pick your student up after his/her concert on Saturday. You can find a schedule on the honor band website (http://www.utm.edu/departments/music/honorband.php). Students will need money for 5 meals (all fast food) + a Wal-Mart trip to pick up snacks for their hotel room.