Master list

1946年8月29日、対日指令SCAPIN第1166号で日本人の無線局の戸籍簿となるマスターリストを発表しました。このリストがGHQ/SCAP CCS の無線局管理の周波数原簿となり、逓信院はこの原簿の記載事項の変更や新設・廃止をその都度、CCSへ申請して承認を受けなければならなくなりました。CCS が日本人の無線局の電波行政権を完全掌握したのです。

マスターリストを以下に紹介しますが、これをまとめたのは逓信省で、それにCCSがSCAP Registry No. を割り振って、8月29日付けのSCAPIN で発令したものです。そのため内容的には発令の1~2ヶ月前の状況を反映したものであることにご注意ください。



APO 500

29 August 1946


SUBJECT: Information of General Application Pertaining to Directive Number (SCAPIN - 1166), file AG 676.3 (29 Aug 46) CCS, this Headquarters, dated 29 August 1946, subject: "Control of Radio Communications."

1. With reference to subject memorandum, the following is published for the information of all concerned.

2. A study of frequency assignments made by the Japanese Ministry of Communications indicated that assignment of frequencies to Japanese Radio Stations had been made indiscriminately and with no organized attempt to coordinate their joint or simultaneous use.

3. Continued use of frequencies formerly assigned to radio stations has been permitted until a satisfactory plan could be devised and implemented whereby a complete new frequency allocation to the Japanese Government and assignment to radio stations could be made without disrupting any important communication service. In a few isolated cases use of certain to military or commercial circuits. Some frequencies have been cleared and their use by Japanese stations authorized in order to provide a particular service required by the Occupation Forces.

4. On 10 May 1946, a list of frequencies was allocated to the Japanese Government by the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, General Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Pacific. Approximately sixty percent of the frequencies allocated were those currently being used, the remainder being frequencies upon which Japanese stations had not previously operated. This list was turned over to the Japanese Ministry of Communications for assignment of frequencies to satisfy all their communications requirements.

5. The Ministry has made final assignments which are agreeable to the Civil Communications Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Due to the limited number of available frequencies it was necessary to assign frequencies for joint use by several stations and in some instances to discontinue services that were not considered essential.

6. Issuance of station licenses was directed to effect a more positive control over authorizing the operation of radio stations and to provide the Occupation Forces a means whereby they can readily determine if a station is authorized by the Ministry of Communications and registered with General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. The SCAP Registry Number appears in the "List of Frequencies Assigned" and will appear on each station license.

7. Surveillance by the Occupation Forces will be necessary to insure that only authorized radio stations are operated. Instructions pertaining to the manner of surveillance will follow through command channels.


Lt, Col., AGD,

Asst Adj Gen.