1925年(大正14年)4月14-18日、パリ大学で開催された国際アマチュア無線連合IARU(International Amateur Radio Union)の結成大会で採択されたIARU憲章の全文です。我国からは国際連盟の軍事委員会の四王天延孝少将(パリ駐在)および在仏大使館の宇佐美珍彦書記官のお二人が出席されました。なぜ軍人の四王天少将が出席されたのか?と思われたかも知れませんが、戦前の日本では陸軍大臣、海軍大臣、逓信大臣の三人がそれぞれ管下の無線局の許認可権を握っていましたので、たまたまパリに駐在していた四王天少将が、この電波三省の代表として出席することになり、それに現地大使館の宇佐美書記官が同行されたものです。アマチュア無線の無線電話をエスペラント語とする(15, 16日の)IARU勧告案に対して、宇佐美書記官が流暢なエスペラント語で「日本では英語の習得が困難でその普及が充分ではなく、より習得がやさしいエスペラント語を支持する」との演説を行いました。


Constitution of the International Amateur Radio Union.

(Adopted 17th April, 1925.)


1. The name of this organization is the International Amateur Radio Union, hereinafter called the Union.

2. Its objects shall be the promotion and coordination of two-way radio communication between the amateurs of the various countries of the world; the advancement of the radio art; the representation of two-way amateur communication interests in international communication conferences; the encouragement of international fraternalism; and the promotion of such additional activities as may be allied thereto.


1. Any person interested in the objects of the Union shall be eligible to membership. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Union and a majority vote of the said Executive Committee shall elect to membership.

The said Committee may refuse to elect to membership any person who, in their opinion, would be an undesirable member; provided that any person who is refused membership may have his case reviewed by the Board of Directors of the Union upon the recommendation of two or more members of the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors may, in its discretion, reverse the action of the Executive Committee.

2. Members shall comply with the requirements of the Constitution and of such regulations of the Union as may be adopted from time to time.

3. A member may voluntarily terminate his membership by written communication to the International Secretary. If all his dues and other indebtedness to the Union have been paid, the resignation shall be accepted.

4. Upon the written request of twenty-five or more members that, for cause therein stated, a member of the Union be expelled, the Executive Committee shall consider the matter, and if there appears to be sufficient reason, shall advise the accused of the charges against him. The accused shall then have the right to present a written defence, or to secure a hearing before a meeting of the Executive Committee, or authorized representatives of the Executive Committee, of which meeting he shall receive notice at least sixty days in advance. Not later than sixty days thereafter, the Executive Committee shall finally consider the case, and if in opinion of two-thirds of the members of the Committee a satisfactory proof of the undesirability of the accused as a member has been established, and he has not in the meantime tendered his resignation, he shall be expelled from membership.


1. In each country represented in the Union, from which there are twenty-five or more members of the Union, there shall be formed a Section of the Union, which shall be known as "………… Section, International Amateur Radio Union."

2. The members in any country not possessing a total membership in the Union of at least twenty-five, shall temporarily be attached for administrative purposes to a neighboring country which shall be specified by the Executive Committee. Whenever the total membership from such a country attains a total of twenty-five or more, a Section shall be created in that country as provided in Paragraph 1 of this article.

3. In each Section of the Union there shall be a National President, elected by popular vote of the members in that country. Nominations for this office shall be solicited by the International Secretary through the columns of the official organ of the Union, under regulations as to eligibility, dates, etc., to be determined by the Executive Committee. The election shall be by means of ballots mailed from the headquarters of the Union.

4. The National Presidents shall hold office for a term of two years, or until their respective successors have been duly elected.

5. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of National President, an election for his successor shall be held as quickly as possible, under the same general regulations as apply for regular elections.


1. The officers of the Union shall be an International President, an International Vice -President,

and an International Secretary-Treasurer.

2. The first officers of the Union shall be elected by the amateur delegates present at the International Amateur Congress held in Paris, 1925, one vote to be assigned to each country represented. They shall assume office immediately upon election and shall hold office for two years or until their successors are duly elected.

3. Except for this first election of officers, the officers shall be nominated and elected by the Board of Directors for two-year terms, under regulations as to eligibility, dates, etc., that shall be determined by the Board.


1. The affairs of the Union shall be managed under this Constitution by an Executive Committee, consisting of the officers of the Union and two Councillors-at-large.

2. The first Councillors-at-large shall be elected by the amateur delegates present at the International Amateur Congress held in Paris in April, 1925, one vote to be assigned to each country represented. They shall assume office immediately upon election, and shall hold office for a term of two years or until their successors are duly elected. Their successors shall be nominated and elected for two-year terms by the Board of Directors, under regulations as to eligibility, dates, etc., that shall

be determined by the Board.

3. Whenever there is any vacancy in any office in the Executive Committee, it shall be filled by special election by the Board of Directors, under such regulations as they may determine.

4. The Executive Committee shall direct the investment and care of the funds of the Union, shall

make appropriations for specific purposes, shall act upon all questions of admittance or expulsion of

members, and in general shall direct the business of the Union, either itself or through its officers and Committees. It shall arrange the place, time and programme for the biannual Congress and shall handle all affairs relating thereto, either itself or through appointees.

5. It shall be the particular purpose and duty of the Executive Committee to devise ways and means for the encouragement of international two-way amateur radio communication: by the promulgation of rules and regulations to co-ordinate international amateur operation, by the management of tests and relays, by encouraging and assisting the development of amateur radio in countries where assistance is desirable, by arranging for adequate representation of two-way amateur communication interests at international communication conferences, by endeavoring to secure a removal of legal restrictions prohibiting amateur operation in certain countries, and by kindred methods.

6. The Executive Committee shall meet in person at the call of the International President when possible and desirable. At such meetings three members of the Committee, present in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum, and action shall be determined by the concurring vote of a majority of the members present. In general, however, the determinations of the Executive Committee shall be made by post, through the Agency of the International Secretary-Treasurer and under the direction of the International President, and action shall be determined by the concurring vote of a majority of the whole membership of the Committee. The International Secretary-Treasurer shall acquaint the entire membership of the Board of Directors with the actions taken by the Executive Committee, and such actions shall then become binding upon the Union; provided that if three or more National Presidents within sixty days after such announcement of action by the Executive Committee formally protest the same, the Executive Committee shall cause the International Secretary-Treasurer to submit the question in point to the entire Board of Directors by post, and unless it is within one hundred and twenty days thereafter ratified by a majority of the Board of Directors, the action of the Executive Committee shall be deemed reversed.

7. The International President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Union, under the direction of the Executive Committee. He shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and at the Congresses, and shall direct the work of the International Secretary-Treasurer in the determination of Executive Committee affairs by post. He shall be, ex -officio, a member of all committees. The International Vice-President shall be responsible for such matters of general supervision as may be delegated to him by the International President. In the absence or disability of the International President the International Vice-President shall act in his stead.

8. The International Secretary-Treasurer shall be the general manager of the affairs of the Union, under the direction of the International President and the Executive Committee. He shall attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and all Congresses and record the proceedings thereof. He shall collect all moneys due the Union and deposit them in the name of the Union in a depository satisfactory to the Executive Committee. He shall certify the accuracy of bills or vouchers on which money is to be paid, and shall draw and sign all cheques. He shall invest such funds as may be ordered by the Executive Committee. He shall have charge of the books and accounts of the Union and shall furnish to the Executive Committee from time to time such statements and reports as may be required. He shall conduct the general correspondence of the Union, and shall keep full records. Under the direction of the International President he shall canvass the Executive Committee by post to determine the action of the Union on current matters. He shall be in responsible charge, under the International President and the Executive Committee, of all property of the Union. He shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, employ such clerical force as may be necessary and shall be responsible for the work of all employees of the Union. Under the direction of the Executive Committee, he shall be the general manager of any publications owned by the Union. He shall prepare and submit at each Congress of the Union a comprehensive report on the progress and status of the affairs of the Union. He shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Committee. He shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Committee, the expense of same to be borne by the Union.

9. The National Presidents shall have general supervision of the activities of the Union in their respective countries. They shall be responsible for carrying out in their respective countries the plans and policies of the Union. They shall represent their respective countries on the Board of Directors, and to this end shall keep themselves informed on the needs and desires of their members, in order that they may faithfully and intelligently represent them. They shall have the right to appoint such assistants as they deem desirable, to handle such portions of their duties as they desire. So far as possible, they shall attend all Congresses of the Union, but shall be authorized to send an alternate of their own selection to act in their stead at the Congresses.

10. No person commercially identified with the radio industry shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Executive Committee or as a National President. All members of the Executive Committee and all National Presidents must be members of the Union.


1. The officers of the Union, the Councillors-at-large, and the National Presidents of Sections of the Union together shall constitute the Board of Directors.

2. The Board of Directors shall meet in biannual Congress in April of each odd-numbered year, at the call of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall select the exact dates and the place, shall plan and announce the programme, examine and authenticate credentials, and in general administrate the Congress.

3. At the Congress, the Board of Directors shall receive the reports of the officers, elect and instruct the new officers and Councillors-at-large; act upon such matters as may come before it; and in general delineate the policy of the Union for the ensuing two years. The rules of order of the Congresses shall be so arranged as to permit free and open discussion of international amateur radio matters.

4. Members of the Board of Directors present in person or by alternate or by proxy to a number representing one-third of the membership of the Board, shall constitute a quorum at any Congress. The actions of the Congress shall be determined by the concurring majority of those present, but if less than a majority of the whole membership of the Board is present the actions taken shall not become binding upon the Union until they have subsequently been ratified by a majority of the whole membership of the Board.

5. If the finances of the Union, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, permit it, the travelling expenses of the International President and the International Secretary-Treasurer to attend the Congresses shall be paid by the Union.


1. Until otherwise determined by the Board of Directors by the amendment of this Constitution, the headquarters of the Union shall be located at the headquarters of the American Radio Relay League in the United States of America. Until otherwise determined by the Board of Directors by the amendment of this Constitution, the magazine of the American Radio Relay League, Q.S.T., shall be the official organ of the Union.

2. The provisions of this Constitution relating to the formation of Sections of the Union and the election of National Presidents shall not apply in the United States and Canada. The United States portion of the A.R.R.L. shall constitute the United States Section of the Union and its President shall be deemed the National President of the Section within the meaning of this Constitution. The Canadian Section of the A.R.R.L. shall constitute the Canadian Section of the Union and the A.R.R.L. Canadian General Manager shall be deemed the National President of the Section within the meaning of this Constitution.


I. The dues for membership in the Union shall be one dollar ($1.00) per annum.

2. Members in arrears shall be carried on the records of the International Secretary-Treasurer for ninety days. If by the end of that time they have not renewed their membership, they shall be dropped from the rolls.


I. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors, at any Congress. At the initiative of the Executive Committee it may be amended at any time by post by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.

出典:"Constitution of the International Amateur Radio Union" Experimental Wireless & The Wireless Engineer(Vol.II-No.22)July 1925 Watergate Press pp623-626