Apl 46 AFRS


  • April 2, 1946 ・・・放送用中継線(有線)についてのCIE, CCS, BCJ, BOC 合同会議

  • April 5, 1946 ・・・佐世保司令部による延岡中継局の停止事件





Tokio, April 5, 1946

To General Headquarters Supreme Commander for The Allied Forces

TO: Civil Communications Section, G.H.Q.

FROM: Board of Communications

SUBJECT: Operation of Nobeoka Relay Broadcasting Station

1. Nobeoka Relay Broadcastingtations was prohibited operation on March 27, 1945, by the Headquarters of the Allied Forces at Sasebo on the ground that they had no notification from the GHQ. Use of this Station, it will be recollected, was approved on February 25, 1945, by the GHQ, and the Station had been in operation since March 11th.

2. Although the Board of Communications has already instructed the Kumamoto Communications Bureau to look into the matter and take it with military authority on the spot, it would also be much appreciated if the GHQ would also get in touch with Sasebo HQ with a view to having the restriction speedily removed.

For The President,

T. Amishima

Chief of Radio Wave Section,

Board of Communications.