Print Shipment with Invoice Process

The process is run by clicking on the Print Shipment with Invoice button, available at the bottom of the Shipment (Customer) window.

This process allows the user to simultaneously print the selected shipment and the invoice(s) corresponding to the shipment, without having to open the Print Preview window.

Note: The printer(s) used by the process must have been installed on the application server and be accessible to the process.

The running parameter of this process is the Print Format which offers the possibility to select distinct print formats with different number of copies and/or other printers.

Issuing Shipment with Force Shipping Rule

For the products that have been imported in the system via EDI and that do not have any stock transactions, the sales orders are issued with the Force Shipping Rule, and the shipments generated from this orders will keep the Shipping Rule. The shipments can be completed but will only be posted when the stock has been increased.

Intrastat Reports

In order to generate Intrastat reports, products need to have corresponding records defined in the Transaction tab and Wrapper tab from the Product window.