8.6.1. Match PO-Invoice-Receipt

The Match PO-Invoice-Receipt window located in the Purchasing -> Matching menu is used to manually match a receipt, order or invoice with it's corresponding document.

Select the document types you'd like to match in Match From and Match To fields. The following options are available:

    • Match From: "Invoice" - > Match To: "Receipt" - if you want to match an invoice with a receipt

    • Match From: "Receipt" -> Match To: "Invoice" or "Purchase Order" - if you want to match a receipt with an invoice or purchase order

    • Match From: "Purchase Order" -> Match To: "Receipt" - if you want to math a purchase order with a receipt.

Starting with v15.09, two new options are available:

    • Match From: "Purchase Order" - > Match To: "Invoice" - if you want to match an purchase order with a invoice, when quantity from purchase order is equal or less than quantity from invoice;

    • Match From: "Invoice" - > Match To: "Purchase Order" - if you want to match an invoice with a purchase order, when quantity from invoice is equal or less than quantity from purchase order.

These rules are applicable for all versions listed above!


  • only the quantity of lower grid is editable, which is necessary when you have partial match;

  • only "Completed" documents can be matched.

To display the "Match from" document lines the following search filters are available:

  • Organization

  • Business Partner

  • Product

  • Date Start - Date Stop - time interval for the document date;

  • Search Mode

    • Matched - only matched lines will be displayed;

    • Not matched - only lines without a match will be displayed;

  • Return Transaction - selection filter for return transactions:

    • checked - only return transactions will be displayed;

    • not checked - return transactions will not be displayed.

After selecting the desired search filters pres the Search button. The document lines for the type selected in the Match from field will be displayed in the first box, according to the selected filters:

The Same Business Partner, Same Product, Same Quantity checkboxes are selection filters used to display the "Match to" document lines. The checkboxes can remain unchecked if matching is permitted for document lines with different vendors, products or quantities (for partial receipts).

"Match to" document lines will be displayed in the second box. Quantities for the lines displayed here can be edited:

The following fields are available to check if matching the selected document lines is possible:

  • To be matched - the total quantity selected in the "Match from" box;

  • Matching - the total quantity selected in the "Match to" box;

  • Difference - the difference between the two quantities.

Only equal quantities can be matched. If the quantity on a document line is greater than the matching line (e.g. ordered quantity > receipt quantity), the line with the greater quantity will have to be selected in the "Match to" box where the quantity can be edited.

Press the Process button to match the selected document lines. If the process is successful, the selected lines will disappear from the boxes.

Note: Two documents can be unmatched using the processes "Delete Matched PO" and "Delete Matched Invoices" from the Matched Purchase Orders window and respectively Matched Invoices window.

Example: A Purchase Order for 500 units is registered:

1. An initial receipt for 100 units is registered. Matching is done as described below:

  • select Match from "Receipt" and Match to "Purchase Order";

  • In the "Match to" box change the Quantity Ordered from 500 to 100 units;

  • Press the Process button to match the two quantities.

2. A second receipt for 200 units is registered. Matching is done as described below:

  • select Match from "Receipt" and Match to "Purchase Order";

  • On the Quantity Matched column from the "Match to" box the previously matched quantity of 100 will be displayed

  • In the "Match to" box change the Quantity Ordered from to 300 units (the previous 100 + the current 200);

  • Press the Process button to match the two quantities.