12.03. Accounting Processes

Resubmit Posting

The Resubmit Postings process, located in the Performance Analysis -> Accounting Rules menu, is used to eliminate the error signal at document level, so that, when the Accounting Processor is next run, the respective documents will be re-posted. The process can be run for all documents, or for the documents registered on a specific table.

Re-Post Documents

The Re-Post Documents process, located in the Performance Analysis -> Accounting Rules menu, is used to post/re-post the documents indicated in the selection parameters. It is especially useful when re-posting foreign currency payment allocations that were registered before the Open Items Revaluation process, so as to correctly post the exchange rate differences.

Note: This process must be handled carefully, and must only be used for a small set of documents!! Do not run it for all documents and with the Accounting Processor stopped!!

Reset Accounting with Filters

This Reset Accounting with Filters process, located in the Performance Analysis -> Accounting Rules menu is used to erase all the accounting records that correspond to its selection Parameters. Before you run this process, make sure the accounting processor is stopped.

It is mandatory to select the Tenant and the Organization parameters. The account date interval, document type and table for which the GL Journals are erased can be selected before running the process.

Note: If you have selected the Delete existing Accounting Entries before running the process, then the latter will also execute the Balance Update Calculation for all the records and all the accounting aggregations. This will further lead to a significantly longer time required to complete the process! It is recommended to run the process with the Delete existing Accounting Entries checkbox, otherwise it will function exactly as Resubmit Posting.

After the process has been run, a message containing detailed information regarding the erasure operations will be displayed.

Generate GL Journals/Documents

This Generate GL Journals process, located in the Performance Analysis - Accounting Rules menu is used to generate GL journals or Batch GL Jurnals on a destination accounting schema based on GL journals/Batch Gl Journals from a source accounting schema. Starting with 15.12 the Generate GL Documents process is also available and can be used to generate GL documents.

The process uses the selected conversion type in order to convert the amounts from the source journals into the destination journal's currency, according to the corresponding accounting schemas currencies. If the source journals belonged to a batch, then the resulting journals will be linked to the same batch.

The following selection filters ar available:

  • The Journal Batch number;

  • The accounting Document Type (Batch or GL Journal);

  • The GL Category;

  • The Document No, or an interval of numbers;

  • The Document Date or a time interval;

  • The source Accounting Schema.

The resulting accounting documents will contain the following information:

  • the Accounting Schema To;

  • the document number that was automatically allocated by the system;

  • all the date taken from the source accounting documents:

  • Description: filled in with the source GL Journal number;

  • PostingType;

  • Document Type;

  • GL Category;

  • Document Date and Account Date;

  • Period;

  • Currency.

  • the conversion is done based on the indicated Conversion Type;

  • the source amounts will be kept, and converted into the currency of the indicated schema ;

  • the quantity data will be kept (if it can be found on the source journals); The resulting accounting documents will be either Drafted or Completed, as indicated at the beginning of the process.

It is recommended you use this process for situations when there are many GL Journals entered directly into the system. These can be either manually entered journals, or obtained through automatic processes outside of SocrateCloud (e.g. Wages Journals).

Reverse GL Journal At Date

Process through which multiple journals can be corrected, using a date indicated by the user. The process can be used correctly in the following situations:

  • the user must have access to the process - depending on company policy, only specific users should be able to access the process

  • the date indicated when running the process must be within an open period, according to the accounting calendar.

Closing Revenues and Expenses Accounts

The Closing Revenues and Expenses Accounts process located in the Performance Analysis -> Accounting Rules menu, is used to generate a batch GL Journal through which the revenue and expense accounts are closed. The batch will contain two journals: one for the closing of the revenue accounts and one for the closing of the expenses accounts.

The process can be run multiple times for the same period! Running the process again will generate journals for differences only (i.e. for those accounts and balances that had not been completely closed at the time). It is very important for the resulting GL Journals to be completed and posted before re-running the process, otherwise duplicated closings will appear.

Enter the parameters required to run the process, depending on the Organization or the Organization Tree for which you wish to close the revenues and expenses accounts. It is mandatory to indicate the Posting Type, Period, Correspondent Account (the account through which the closing is done), the Document Type, GL Category and the Document Status you wish the journal to be generated into.


  • You can close the accounts for one organization, or for multiple organizations at once and the resulting computations and journals will be different for each organization;

  • This process can be run either separately for expenses and for revenues, or together;

  • The process can be reversed by simply voiding the generated GL Journals;

  • The process should be run monthly (manually).

Closing VAT Accounts

The Closing VAT Accounts process, located in the Performance Analysis menu, is used to close the VAT accounts and is usually run on a monthly basis, following the VAT justification.

In order to run the process, you need to enter the corresponding parameters by following the rules described below:

  • when working with multiple organizations, it is mandatory to log into the system with the organization used to deposit the VAT discounts and respectively, to close the VAT accounts.

    • in the "Organization" field choose the higher node that contains all the departments, including the organization you make the calculation and close the VAT accounts for;

    • Note: the resulting GL Journal is registered on the organization used to log into the application!

  • Posting Type = "Actual";

  • Accounting Schema - select the schema corresponding to the selected organization (it can be different from the accounting schema defined for the tenant);

  • Period - the month you want to close the VAT accounts for;

  • Document Type - the document type for the gl journal that will be generated;

  • GL Category - the GL Category that the generated journal will belong to;

  • Document Status - select "Drafted", as it recommended to manually verify and validate the resulting GL Journal;

  • Reporting Hierarchy - the default hierarchy - mandatory in the case of multiple organizations.

The process will generate a GL Journal Batch which will contain a journal which in turn will include the accounting transactions used to close VAT accounts. The rules are described below:

  • the sums are always calculated for the month indicated in the Period field only;

  • the sums taken into account are only the current movements => the process needs to be run monthly!

  • if 4426 > 4427 => Tax Receivables (4424)

    • 4427 = 4426 - with the sum from 4427;

    • 4424 = 4426 - with Tax Receivables differences;

  • if 4426 < 4427 => Tax Liability (4423)

    • 4427 = 4426 - with the sum from 4426;

    • 4427 = 4423 - with Tax Liability differences.

If the process is run for multiple organizations, the GL Journal can be filled by copying of the current movements (+/- Debit/Credit) from the child organizations to the parent organization and the VAT accounts should only be closed at parent level.

Orphan Accounting Transactions

The Orphan Accounting Transactions process, located in the Performance Analysis menu is used to display and/or delete (Delete all checkbox) the accounting transactions and starting with v16.1 fact. account-correspondent account transactions for which no source documents exist.

The following optional selection filters are available: Organization, Period, Table.

Invalid GL Journal Entries

The Invalid GL Journal Entries, located in the Accounting menu is used to verifies if all the GL journals meet the following conditions:

  • "Debit = Credit"

  • have only one line for Debit and only one line for Credit - This limitation coming from those reports that must determine and list all transaction in pair "Account" and "Corresponding Account".

Starting with 16.03 the process will also send email containing invalid journals to the users that entered them. In the User/Contact field a user can be selected to which an email containing all the invalid journals will be sent. Also the Period (from - to) filter has been added which will limit the notes sent to the ones for which the period is within the selected interval.

Update Charge on documents

The process is used to update the charge on a completed, voided or corrected document in order to change how the document line is posted. In order to work the corresponding accounting period for the document must be open. The process will update the charge on the selected document line with the one selected as process parameter and then re-posts the document. The documents for which the process can be run are:

  • Internal Use Inventory

  • Internal Material Receipt

  • Physical Inventory

  • Shipment

  • Production