0.5.6. Multi - Language System

A system must have the ability to create documents in the customer's or vendor's language. Very few applications support this kind of functionality because labels for invoices, address formats, product descriptions and words have to be translated. (See also the way multi-currency features work with the business partners' currencies.). Many applications offer translated windows, reports, and messages, but very few allow the translation of intermediate data. Even fewer support the translation of the transactions.

In SocrateCloud users can translate all labels, thus getting the windows and reports in their own language and/or according to their terminology preferences. All documents can be printed in a format and language specific to the customer (e.g. customer invoices) or supplier (e.g. supplier orders.)

Translation is done based on the data dictionary which it is more consistent than the tools other application use for this purpose. SocrateCloud caters for the translation of the following system components:

  • Windows

  • Reports

  • Messages

  • Intermediate data (e.g. status information, such as Open/Close)

Users can change the language of the system:

  • The system can translate into the default language

  • The user can choose it’s own language

Language Maintenance

Languages used in SocrateCloud can be managed by the system administrator using the Language window. The following fields are available:

  • Name, ISO Language Code, ISO Country Code - are used to identify the language within the system;

  • Base Language - the language used to define all SocrateCloud entities. For example the value entered in the "Name" field from the "Product" window will be for the base language. The names for the other system languages need to be entered in the "Name" field from the "Translation" tab;

  • System language - if checked, this language may be used to display the SocrateCloud interface (Authentication window selection) or can be assigned to a business partner. All system languages will have records in the translation tab for SocrateCloud entities;

  • Date Pattern - determines the format used to display and print date values;

  • Time Pattern - determines the format used to display time values;

  • Decimal Point - determines the character used to separate number decimals;

  • Language Maintenance button - where possible, the process will create records in the "Translation" tab for SocrateCloud entities;

    • you may add, delete or recreate translation records;

    • after using this process it may be necessary to run the "Synchronize Terminology" process;

The Synchronize Document Transaction process is used to copy the contents of the main record to it's corresponding translations. The process is useful when switching from a multilingual environment to a monolingual environment

When defining a new window, the fields contained by the window tabs will not have any translations defined. The Synchronize Terminology process, located in the Application Dictionary menu, allows you to generate field translations based on SocrateCloud system elements. Before running the process you can specify the following parameters:

  • Window - select a window defined at tenant level for which the field translations will be synchronized;

  • Tab (optional) - allows you to select a specific tab within the window for which the field translations will be synchronized;

The process will update translations for each field within the window tabs, using the translations defined for the corresponding system element.

The process will not update the translations for the tab and window names.

The process will not update the translations for the fields for which the Centrally maintained option is not selected.