10.2. Acquisition Programmes

There are governmental subsidy programmes used for equipment acquisitions that require the following:

  • The declaration of an equipment procurement plan (detailed on each equipment, and the necessary quantity). Each line of this acquisition plan is given a unique identification number.

  • The acquisition of the planned equipment and their record in the fixed asset register. You need to refer to the assigned unique identification number from the equipment procurement plan when registering a new asset.

  • A series of reports obtained by comparing the realised and the planned acquisitions. The linking element between the planned and the realised equipment acquisition is the unique identification number.

In order to control the realisation degree of the investments you need to make the following developments:

    1. Create a new window "Estimated Investments" where you can enter/import the estimated equipment acquisitions, aggregated between the company and the institution subsidizing these investments.

    2. Create a link between the acquired fixed asset and the equipment planned to be procured in the Asset(Customer) window. The link should be done by selecting the unique identification number of the equipment planned to be acquired.

    3. Develop a report that can be used to compare the planned acquisitions against the realised asset procurements.

1. "Estimated Investments" window:

You need to create a new window where you can manually enter (or import) the equipments planned for acquisition with the following characteristics:

    1. Production line (list, e.g. Detailed Parts);

    2. Cluster (list, e.g. Machining, Assembly, etc.);

  1. Process Type (list, e.g. Pre-Production, Milling/Turning);

  2. Reference to Invest Application (numerical field);

  3. Supplier (Vendor);

  4. Equipment Name (short name);

  5. Machinery / Equipment Description - Romanian (text: max. 255 characters, description of the equipment to be acquired, e.g. Cantilever-rack for plates, 1,5m x 3,6m, 6 beams per jetty, 1600 kg/beam, 9600 kg/jetty; 30 m);

  6. Machinery / Equipment Description - English (text: max. 255 characters, description of the equipment to be acquired, e.g. Cantilever-rack for plates, 1,5m x 3,6m, 6 beams per jetty, 1600 kg/beam, 9600 kg/jetty; 30 m);

  7. Required Quantity (equipment quantity requested/planned to be acquired);

  8. Unit Price (Estimated cost per piece/equipment);

  9. Currency;

  10. Cost (required quantity * cost per machine);

  11. Required Availability for Set-up in BRASOV (date);

  12. Lead Time-Calendar Days

  13. Life use Units acc. to Airbus Asset Catalogue: (numerical field);

  14. State Aid No (unique identification number);

    1. Eligible Cost Type for funding requests (selection list Republican Classification, e.g. Other installations, equipment, industrial furniture).

2 The link between the acquired fixed asset and the equipment planned to be procured:

When defining the fixed asset in the Asset (Customer) window, you need to enter the following fields as well:

  • State Aid No (Combo where the information must be concatenated: State Aid No_ Vendor_Equipment Name);

  • Vendor Invoice (select vendor invoice used for the acquisition: Invoice Number/Date_Vendor)

  • Asset Receipt (checkbox: Yes, the official report has been drawn up);

  • Asset Receipt No / Date;

  • Asset Receipt ISD (checkbox);

  • Asset Receipt ISD No / Date.

3. Estimated Investments vs Assets Report

This report displays the data in the two windows "Estimated Investments" and "Asset (Customer)".

The report selection filters are:

These are applied on the data in the "Estimated Investments" window:

  • State Aid No (number);

  • Production Line (combo);

  • Cluster;

  • Process Type;

  • Vendor;

  • Equipment Name;

  • Equipment Description;

  • Cost Type (Combo).

The data displayed by the report are:

The columns in the "Estimated Investment" window + the data in the "Asset (Customer)" window (master window).