2.2. Using the RESTFul web services

SocrateCloud Data Exchange Interface is an additional component of the principal SocrateCloud system and has the role to provide the application administrators with a simple, safe and controlled method of transferring data to and/or from the application. Starting with version 2.9, this component facilitates the execution of SocrateCloud processes.

The access to the data is done via the HTTP GET (for interrogation purposes) and the HTTP PUT (for transmission purposes) methods. The process execution is done via the HTTP POST method.

The publishing services can be accessed by using the HTTP GET (for data extraction), HTTP PUT (for data transmission) and HTTP POST (for process execution and parameters sending) commands.

The URL used to access these services is of the form: http[s]://<server SocrateCloud[:port]>/sdeiRESTWs/resources/rfDataExchangeInterface

while that for the WADL file is of the form: http[s]://<server SocrateCloud[:port]>/sdeiRESTWs/resources/application.wadl

Note: it is recommended you use the HTTPS protocol in order to ensure the confidentiality of the sent data!