2. Tables and Columns

The tables are the entities upon which the windows are built. The tables and their associated columns can be defined in the Table and Column window, found in the Application Dictionary menu. This window can only be accessed when logging in with a System Administrator role (usually System). The table definition can be used to create tables and corresponding views in the database. These can be initially defined in the database and, subsequently, be imported in the Application Dictionary.


Fill in the fields:

  • DB Table Name - the name of the table if you wish to import one that has already been created in the data base. The name needs to be the same;

  • Name - the name of the table;

  • View - select this checkbox if the table that has been imported from the database is a "view" type object;

  • Data Access Level - select the data access level;

  • Transaction Type - indicate if you require an explicit value of the organization when saving a record into this table;

  • Window - indicate the window that will be opened when using the Zoom function;

  • High Volume - select this checkbox if you want to display a Find window when accessing a window linked to this table, instead of loading the records. Selecting the checkbox is recommended for windows with a very large number of records (e.g. products, customers, invoices) to shorten the loading the time;

  • Entity Type - select a value from the list;

  • All the other fields are optional.

In order to import a table that has already been defined in the database, click on the Create Columns from DB button.

Save the record.


The columns will be displayed as fields in the windows linked to the table. The selected values and those entered in the Column tab will determine how and when will the fields be displayed in a window.

Fill in the fields:

  • DB Column Name - the name of the column, preferably the same as that of the used element;

  • System Element - select the element corresponding to the column. If you create the column in the data base and the element does not exist, then the process will create it;

  • Name - the name of the column;

  • Reference - the way you access the table;

  • Default Logic - this allows you to define rules on how the field will be filled in when creating new records;

  • Mandatory and Mandatory UI - select these checkboxes if this column represents a mandatory field that needs to be filled in in order for the record to be saved in the database;

  • Mandatory Logic - it facilitates the definition of circumstances when this column is needed;

  • Identifier - select this checkbox when the column is part of an identification key inside the record/table;

  • Selection Column - select this checkbox if this column is used for the search window, in the first default tab;

  • Not Copyable - select this checkbox if, when copying the record (via the Copy button or the copy process) you do not wish to copy the value of the field.

Use the Synchronise Columns button when creating columns in the database or when modifying parts from the table definition.

Standard Rules for Copying Columns

This option affects the record copying processes (lines) from a source document to the destination document, via the Copy lines from... button found in the document definition windows, or when using the Copy (Alt + C) button in the toolbar.

The Not Copyable checkbox from the column definition level has the purpose of indicating that the values in the fields marked with this checkbox will not be copied when a record is copied. The column types indicated in the table below have this checkbox selected by default. We recommend you never remove this checkbox for this column types. The application administrator can intervene and add other columns with specific significance to the respective implementation that should also not be copied.