Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan

Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan

Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan was born in Anayatullah Karez on 7th July 1907.

Khan Shaheed had one brother Abdul Salam and two sisters.

Khan Shaheed Father name was Noor Muhammad Khan

Barkhurdar Khan the great grand father of Khan Shaheed acco...mpanied as general with Ahmed Shah Baba in the renowned historical battle of Pani Pat.

Abdullah Khan Achakzai the cousin of Barkhurdar Khan launched and led the 1st Afghan uprising against the British in Afghanistan in 1841

The father of Khan Shaheed Noor Muhammad and many other members of his family fought against the British Raj in 2nd Afghan-Anglo War and they defeated the British army in the field of Maiwand.

Khan Shaheed started his early education at his home from his father at the age of five.

Khan Shaheed learned Arabic, Persian and studied logic, Haddad, Tafseer of Quran and the books of Imam Ghazali when he was just 7 years.

Khan Shaheed’s father passed away when his age was 11 years and his uncle (Mama) Muhammad Ali Khan patronized him.

In 1919,Khan Shahee started his formal schooling at the age of 13 and he was admitted in class 3 at the middle school of Gulistan

Khan Shaheed was given scholarship in 4th class when he stood 1st in the entire province.

Khan Shaheed earned his livelihood from the small business of dry fruit.

He wrote a topic on the importance of “Jirga” when he was the student of 8th class. In 1934-5.

in 1929 Khan Shaheed was arrested for the first time and he was detained for 28 days in Police Line.

In 1929, Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed went to Lahore to participate in the annual session of Congress and other political parties

Khan Shaheed started his political preaching from his village mosque.

British government arrested Khan Shaheed in 1930 and later on charged him by the pro-British Jirga for 2 years and sent him to Much jail where he met Yousaf Ali Magsi for the first time.

Khan Shaheed saw with Gandhi in the first round table in 1930 and remained his guest for fifteen days.

Khan Shaheed and Bacha Khan met for the first time in the first round table conference and lived there together for many days.

In 19 32 a joint meeting of PAshtoon and BAlooch was held in Jakababad under the titled of Balochistan Conference and Khan SHaheed was in chair.

Owing to the constant struggle of Khan Baba and his colleagues Press Act was passed in 1936.

Khan Shaheed with the financial and moral support of his friends established Aziz Electric Press at Prince Road.

in 1938 Khan Shaheed was the first journalist and political leader in the province who launched a daily “ the Isteeqlal”.

“ the Isteeqlal” was published both in Pashto and Urdu.

Editorial staff of the Isteeklal were Muhammad Ayub Khan Achakzai, Mir Abdul Aziz Kurd, Mir Atta Muhammad, Marghzani, Mir Shahbaz Khan SHerwani, Muhammad Hussain Anqa, Muhammad Hussain Nizami and Muhammad Naseem Talvee while Qadoos Bathai was the first assistant Editor.

The first Pashtoon Baloch political party was established on the name of ‘Anjuman-i-Watan’ and Khan Shaheed was its first chairman.

1939 Anjuman-i- Watan chalked out non- cooperation policy with British government of Hind when 2nd great world war initiated

In 1942 Anjuman-i- Watan supported Congress for its quit India movement against the British.

Anjuman-i- Watan affiliated with congress in 1942 in the Karachi meeting on the point that Congress would struggle and voice for the demarcation of autonomous provinces based on linguistic basis.

Anjuman-i-Watan, Khudai-Khidmat movement and other pashtoon leaders called Grand National jirga in 1947 in Bannu and passed the historical Bannu Resolution and demanded an independent state for Pashtoon on the name of Pashtunistan.

After the emergence of Pakistan on 1947, Khan Shaheed and Bacha Khan were instantaneously arrested.

In 1950, the government banned on “daily the Istakelal”.

Kamal Khan Sherani was the chief editor while Dr. Khudaidad was the sub-editor of monthly Pashto

One unit was formed in 1954 and it was controlled by Lahore. Abdul Jabbar Khan (Dr. Khan Saab) became the first Chief Minister of the One-Unite.

1954 Khan Shaheed formed a new political party " Waroor Pashtoon".

in his historical address in the Lahore High court he demanded united and autonomous Pashtunistan province.

In 1956 Khan Shaheed and all other oppressed nations’ leaders of the East and West Pakistan formed a new party with the name of "National Party".

National Party was formed after the merger of following parties.

Waroor Pashtoon of Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed.

Khuda-i-Khidmatgar of Bacha Khan

Sindh Hari Party of Haider Bakhsh Jatoi

Sindh Awami party of J.M Syeed

Azad Pakistan Party of Mian Iftikhar-u-Din of Punjab

Awami League of Maulana Bashani was merged into National Party and the party was renamed as National Awami Party.

Khan Abdul Samad Khan was the first political victim of Ayubi martial law when he was sent to prison.

A special military court was held by the Ayubi martial law in the Quetta Muncipal Corporation Hall that sentenced him for 14 years.

Khan Shaheed spent the tenure of his 14 year vigorous punishment in Hari-pur, Much, Multan Lahore and other prisons of the country.

During prison of Khan Shaheed, National Awami Party was divided into two groups. NAP (Wali Khan Group) and (Moulana Bashani group) on some political differences.

A meeting of Itehad Democratic Action Committee (IDAC) was called in Lahore in 1969. but NAP (Wali Khan) group didn’t propose and demand a united province from Chatral to Bolan

In 1969, Ayub Khan called a round table conference and released all the political prisoners including Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed and Sheikh Mujeeb-u- Rehman.

Khan Shaheed was the only Pashtoon leader who opposed this division and decision by the IDAC and NAP (Wali Khan).

in July 1970, Pashtoonkhawa National Awami Party was formed.

December 1970, Pashtoonkhawa National Awami Party participated in the general elections where Khan Shaheed won the provincial assembly seat.

in 1972 The first meeting of Balochistan assembly was called and chaired by Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed.

in 1972, Khan Shaheed was the first opposition leader in Balochistan assembly.

2 December 1973 at midnight (4:00 am) two grenades were hovered on Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai as a result he succumbed in hospital.

Khan Shaheed was killed in home at Jamal Din Afghani road Quetta.

Khan Shaheed translated many books from other languages to Pashto including Tarjam-i-Quran of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, ‘Gulistan-i-Saadi of Sheikh Saadi, and ‘Future of Freedom’ of Dotson Carto. and‘Seerat-ul-Nabi of Shubli Numani into Pashto.

Khan Shaheed created new and easy Pashto-alphabet titled “Pashto leek daood” for Pashto and the dictionary for Pashto language.