Work due Wednesday, 4/25

Post date: Apr 24, 2018 2:44:27 PM

English - WB p. 98

Adverb & Conjunction Test will likely be on Friday.

Math - WB p. 91

Ch. 18 Test will likely be on Friday.

Social Studies - If you didn't already turn it in, your Historical Figure Choice/Parent Signature form is due on Wednesday (last page of packet only.) Once your choice is teacher-approved, you'll able to start your research.

The following figures have already been chosen, so do not include them in your top 3:

Cleopatra, Beatrix Potter, Coco Chanel, Betsy Ross, Jackie Kennedy, Christa McAuliffe, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Anne Frank, Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, Princess Grace of Monaco, Rosie the Riveter, John F. Kennedy, Dwight David Eisenhower, Gertrude Ederle. There are many, many more to choose from if you haven't turned in your form. Thank you!

Reminders - If interested, Scholastic Book orders (with free book coupon!) are due by April 26. Field Trip permission forms and payment are due by April 30. Thank you!