
Post date: May 29, 2020 8:33:38 PM

Dear Parents and my nearly 3rd grade kiddos,

The last days of the school year are always bittersweet. It's always sad to say goodbye to the little friends you've gotten to know and love, but also exciting because you've seen so much growth in the time spent together. To be honest, it's also always a relief because students, parents, and teachers alike are really ready for a break. This year is different. I haven't spent face-to-face, in-person time with my kiddos in 2-1/2 months. This year, the last days of school are welcome, but a little sad. I want to be able to give my students a hug as they leave our school building for the final time as 2nd graders. I will miss seeing that incredible and contagious excitement on their faces knowing they have many weeks of freedom and fun ahead of them. I'm sad I won't be able to spend our last school Mass together, watch you play together on the Field Days inflatables, and see the joy on your faces when the final bell rings and you run out the door with your report cards in hand, singing "Schools Out."

To my students, I am so proud of the way you have adapted to new ways of learning. To the parents, I am so, so grateful for your patience and support as we all learned news ways of teaching from this experience. To my colleagues, I'm honored to be part of an amazing faculty and staff of a wonderful school who changed almost everything we thought we knew about teaching in the blink of an eye, and supported each other doing it. I'm so proud to be part of the St. Linus school community. We have all learned so much this year. Have a safe, relaxed, blessed summer! We will be together again before you know it!