Info for 2nd grade parents for textbook drop-off/desk supplies pick-up...

Post date: May 22, 2020 8:18:52 PM

Hello families,

Please use the Sign Up Genius link below to schedule your socially-distanced time to return your child's hardcover Reader and pick up their left-behind desk belongings. Thanks!

Good afternoon,

As promised here is the pick up and drop off for 2nd Grade. The date is Monday, June 1st from 9:00-12:00. Here is the Sign up Genius link to sign up to deliver books and pick up belongings.

All belongings will be bagged up ready for pickup at the flag pole entrance by the red tile vestibule. Please come to the Flag pole door Depending on weather, we will either be outside with bags or right inside the vestibule. There will be a cart to drop off books and a cart to pick up your child's belongings. Please wear a mask when you arrive. You can leave your car at the end of the walkway on Lawler come get the stuff, return to your car and exit. We are following all protocols and safety measures. If you arrive and someone is still there please wait in your car until the other person leaves. There will be a faculty member there to greet you. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a great weekend.

Ms. Hayes

"It's a Great Day to be a Hawk!"