Due Thursday, 5/11

Post date: May 10, 2017 2:59:03 PM

REMINDER -- Thursday is the Spring Concert for grades 3, 4, and 5. Students should wear their "Sunday best" to school. Parents: The concert begins at 1:30 p.m. and lasts about 40 minutes.

Spelling -- 5x each


English -- Book Report

Begin content editing, revising, copyediting and proofreading. Use the checklists in your textbook pages 392-399 and ask a trusted person to read your work as you follow the steps. Be sure to include at least one sentence with a compound predicate in your book report.

The final draft for publication that will be graded is due on FRIDAY, so you do not have to do all the steps tonight. Be sure to use (and return) your Student Self-Assessment Checklist to decide if your work is ready for publication.

For your final draft, please be sure you do not write on the back of the paper. Use additional sheets of paper instead. You may write your final draft in your best cursive or use a word processing program on a computer at home. Page 398 in your textbook shows a great example of how you should set up your book report final draft. Please give this project your best effort!