Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Post date: Aug 20, 2018 10:20:43 PM

Welcome, parents and students, to our 2nd grade classroom, Room 4. I'm so happy to be your teacher and can't wait to get to know you. I will post important news on this class page at least once weekly, so I hope you'll check in often. It is going to be a great year. Here is some information to get started with...

Our Specials Schedule


TUESDAY Music and Library



FRIDAY Music and Spanish

Children are welcome to bring water in a spill-proof drinking bottle, especially these first few weeks of school when the weather is quite warm. Water only, please.

We won't have a formal snack time in our class, but there will be times when children can have a "working snack," if they have something in their lunchbox that is easily managed, such as a granola bar, pretzels, Goldfish crackers, etc. It needs to be something they can grab and nibble on for a few minutes while working. Feel free to send in a little something extra in their lunchbox if your child is a grazer.

Lunch and recess take place daily from 11:03-11:43. If the weather permits, we do go outside daily. Be sure to send appropriate outerwear as needed.


A small amount of homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday. It may be as simple as rereading a story aloud, practicing math facts or weekly spelling words, or completing a math practice workbook page. Students will learn to be responsible for writing down their assignments and putting the needed materials in their backpacks during our school day. Homework should not take more than 20 minutes to complete. If your child is bringing home more than that on a regular basis, it may be due to them not using their class time to complete their work in school. If this happens often, I'll be in touch. At this age, many children will need to be reminded to complete and repack their homework, until they develop the habit of doing it on their own.


Your child is welcome, but not obligated to celebrate their birthday by sharing a treat with our class. For summer birthdays, we can celebrate in September or May - just let me know what works for you. It is important to note that we have a student in our classroom with special dietary restrictions. If you are sending in a food treat to share, please consider sending items with nutritional labels, so that it can be determined if this child can partake. A great alternative is having your child choose their favorite book to donate to our class library. They can even help read it aloud to the class, if they'd alike. Don't feel you have to send food, especially sweets! Thanks for your help with this.

Class Parties

I'm always looking for volunteers to help plan our Halloween, Christmas, and Valentines Day classroom celebrations. If you are willing and available on any of the following tentative dates, please let me know: Wednesday, Oct. 31; Friday, Dec. 21; Thursday, Feb. 14.

Upcoming events and important news can always be found on the St. Linus web page and my class page, so please visit regularly. Watch for info to come on how to access eTexts for Reading and Science, and how to stay up-to-date on your child's progress through PowerSchool.

Thank you for the opportunity to partner in educating your most precious gift, your child. Together we can make this a great year for learning. I'm looking forward to it!