Work due Friday, 10/5

Post date: Oct 4, 2018 5:27:10 PM

Writing Workshop - We are near the end of our first Writing Workshop -- Personal Narrative

Tonight you will do the final two steps:

Proofread your work, using the proofreaders checklist and proofreading marks from the chart on p. 38 in your English book. Ask Mom or Dad to check your proofreading before you begin the next step.

Publish your work, by copying your story neatly on the story paper given to you in class. Illustrate with a colored picture. Ask Mom or Dad to look at your final work before you put it in your folder!

I'm expecting greatness! Your story is due on Friday and will be scored according to the following:

Your story is about you.

Your story has a beginning, middle, and ending.

You used the words I, me, and my.

You used complete sentences.

You spelled words correctly.

You used capital letters correctly.

You used end marks correctly.