Think Pink and HALLOWEEN

Post date: Oct 17, 2019 5:03:02 PM

Parents, for the Think Pink Dress Down Day on October 24, students need to bring in $1 to participate. This was inadvertently left off the note sent home on Thursday.


On October 31st, students may wear their Halloween costume to school. Younger students participate in the annual St. Linus Halloween Parade at 8:30 - parents are invited to attend and bring their cameras! As a reminder, no weapons, even if they are toys, may be brought into school. If you believe your child will be uncomfortable in a bulky or overly warm costume all day, please have them wear something underneath, so they can slip it off and on, if needed.

In the afternoon, we will have a classroom celebration of the holiday. I'm looking for a willing parent volunteer who would like to organize a little celebration for our class, and a few helpers to supervise the kids, and perhaps bring in supplies. I was thinking that we could use a tasty treat, a simple craft, and perhaps a game. We will begin our celebration at about 1:15 p.m. If you can help out, please send me a note or email. Remember, you must have turned in a CANTS form and have completed Virtus training to volunteer. Thanks!