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Post date: Aug 24, 2017 2:41:14 PM

Brown Envelope

Our school website is a great source of important information, but some news just needs to be sent home on paper. Each student has a "brown envelope" that will be sent back and forth with important printed information for parents to read and sometimes, respond to. Some information will be sent home with the "oldest or only" child in each school family, other times it may be sent home with all students. Normally, these brown envelopes will come home on a Wednesday and the envelope should be returned to school with your student on Thursday. Please be sure to check for the brown envelope and ready the information inside because it often requires a timely response. Thanks!

Assignment Notebooks

Most children have brought in $3 for their assignment notebooks. If you have not sent it in yet, please do so asap because we will begin using them on Monday. I write homework assignments on our class homework board daily and also post them on our class website, but it is important that they become responsible for writing them down each day. Please check to see that your child is writing down the daily homework and following through on completing it.

Boxtops for Education

We are competing with the other classrooms to see which class brings in the most Boxtops by September 1. If you have collected any over the summer, please send them in asap. The winning class gets a treat!

Check the brown envelope today for information about:


Volunteering for Lunch Monitoring!

Fan Cloth Fundraiser with awesome Hawks stuff!