Off we go......!

Post date: Aug 19, 2020 8:24:10 PM

Here is some more news and updates since I posted yesterday...

It was great to meet so many of you at our Welcome Back event on Tuesday, even if I could only see half of your faces. Forgive me if I don't recognize you on sight for awhile!

Contrary to what I posted and included in my Welcome Back note, we are making some adjustments to our dismissal routine to make sure we are able to have all students exit safely and socially-distanced. Ms. Hayes will be emailing or phoning with the details of the new plan, including a clockwise driving pick-up plan. Please be patient with us as we work this out over the next several days.

Paper Lunch Bags for mask storage - some families have sent packages of these bags to replace bags when they are torn or soiled at school. If you'd like to send them to school, you may, but I'm quickly running out of storage. We have several hundred to start out with, and I'll put out a call if our supply runs low. If you'd like to wait to send any more bags in to school, that would be fine.

For some reason, zipper, soft, pencil pouches were left off our school supply list. I'm going to blame it on the Coronavirus. Students do need them. The plastic boxes do not fit in their desks. Sorry for the confusion - we will be using ziploc bags temporarily for students who don't have them, but please send one in at your earliest convenience. Don't forget to send in a bath or beach towel.

Birthday Celebrations - at this time, we won't be able to allow students to pass out any treats from home for safety reasons. If your child is celebrating a birthday, your child may choose to donate a favorite new book to our classroom library, if you'd like, and we will enjoy it together. If this new policy changes mid-year, I'll be sure to let you know.

Here are some other "housekeeping notes" that Ms. Hayes asked me to share...

There were several forms in the Welcome packet you received on Tuesday. Please complete and return them to school at your earliest convenience.

P.E. uniforms may be worn any day through Labor Day. If the weather continues to be uncomfortably warm beyond Labor Day, Ms. Hayes may extend this, so stay tuned. If your child wears their regular school uniform, they need to also be in "school" shoes, not gym shoes. Remember, our class has P.E. on Mondays and Wednesdays, so they should be in their P.E. uniform on those days. Hawktoberfest tshirts are also okay on these days.

For next week, school will dismiss early at 1:30 p.m. August 24-28. Don't forget to bring a lunch and something to drink.

Students who would like to have a water bottle at their desk in our classroom may bring a spillproof bottle, with water only, please.

Extended Day Care will begin on August 31, for those students who have pre-enrolled.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with temperature checks and hand-sanitizing at our school entrances in the mornings, and are available for at least a week at a time, please let Ms. Hayes know. There will be a staff member at each door, but we could use a few regular volunteers.

That's all for now - I hope!