Post date: Sep 1, 2017 3:59:03 PM
Some important things are coming home today in the "brown envelope."
Exciting news! Parents, you will be able to keep track of your child's ongoing academic progress by setting up a PowerSchool account. The information you need is coming home today. As I enter grades into my electronic gradebook, you will be able to see them as well. I hope you will take advantage of this great communication tool and set up your parent account right away. Log in often and there will be no surprises at report card time!
I have already entered some scores for some early work that has been collected. Please keep in mind that when there are very few assignments posted, the current grade for the subject may not really be indicative of your child's ability and progress. Once the assignments begin piling up in the middle of the trimester we will be able to see patterns and a true picture of how he or she is doing. If there is no score included for an assignment, it means I have not received it (late/missing work) or I haven't yet scored it.
Please take a look at the work I am sending home today. Some students have some work to correct and return to me. I explained to them that this is not a punishment, but a second chance to get more points. I occasionally return work to be corrected if I believe a student truly didn't understand what was expected. Please don't be concerned if this happens only occasionally.
Also coming home today is this year's order form for the Ladies Guild Hot Lunch Program. For our new families, this is a fun way to support our school and the kids really enjoy these occasional fun meals. Participation is optional, but if you'd like to order, you need to order for the entire year at once, and orders/payment should be returned to school by September 8.
Last minute news...
Also in the brown envelope today, you will find news about dress down days for Homecoming Week, Sept 5-8. On Tuesday, the theme is 80's Workout Day. Please see the flyer for more information. We will be decorating a class poster for the Pep Rally next week. Students can think of a good idea to share with the class over the weekend, and if you have some good crafty supplies, feel free to send them in, and we might use them. Thanks!
Enjoy the long weekend!