Last minute news...

Post date: Jun 6, 2018 8:54:49 PM

For our last day of school on Thursday, please note the following:

Students should wear their picnic t-shirt and St. Linus P.E. shorts, with gym shoes.

No lunches are needed unless children won't eat hot dogs.

Please do not send water bottles - there will be plenty to drink.

Sunscreen applied before school would be a good idea.

Sharpie markers may be brought to school, but students may not write on each other's shirts until after our final all school Mass. Please do not allow them to begin signing shirts before they enter the building.

Students will be bringing home their report cards at the end of day. Dismissal is at 12:30 p.m. and there is no extended day care after school dismisses.

It's been a pleasure being your child's teacher this year. Have a wonderful summer, and I hope to see you back here in August!