News for the week of October 29 - November 2

Post date: Oct 26, 2018 7:56:14 PM

This week in Reading our main selection is a drama/fairy tale The Bremen Town Musicians. Vocabulary words from this selection are:

mill, monsters, robbers, excitement, musician

High frequency words for study are: bought, people, pleasant, probably, scared, shall, sign

In Phonics and Spelling we will work on plurals. The ending -s is added to make most words plural, but we add the ending -es to words that end in sh, ch, tch, s, ss, or x. To make a word that ends in y plural, we change the y to i and add -es. Spelling words for this week's test are:















In Math this week, we will likely have our Chapter 7 test on money this Tuesday. In Science, we continue to study Plants and Animals in Chapter 2. Remember, you have access to both the Reader and the Science eTexts at home. I hope you are taking advantage of the resources, games, and activities.

It won't be long before our 2nd graders celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation for the very first time. We will begin learning the Act of Contrition prayer this week. I'll send home a copy. Please help your child memorize this very important prayer.

Wednesday is Halloween. We will have our traditional costume parade early in the morning and you are most welcome to be a spectator. Our class party will be in the afternoon. Thanks in advance to the parents who have stepped up to plan a great party for the kids. They are so excited!

Please remember to send appropriate outerwear for daily recess. We try to get outside for at least 10-15 minutes each day unless the weather is atrocious. They really need the fresh air and a chance to run and stretch their legs.