PearsonRealize logins

Post date: Mar 19, 2020 6:05:20 PM

Hi parents,

If you have lost the login information sent home earlier in the year for the PearsonRealize eLearning platform, which is the publisher for our Reading, Math, and Science curriculum, please send me an email and I'll send it to you.

I understand some have had problems adding responses to some of the assigned work, or problems submitting it digitally. Also, the site has been slow, likely due to the increased internet activity. Keep trying daily, but students may complete most of the assigned work in their books and workbooks. Please don't let your child be concerned if they weren't able to submit all the online assignments. On Friday, I'll put a post on this blog asking for the work I need to assess, which may require parents to simply snap a photo of some work and email it to me. I'll try to keep this as simple as possible. Thanks for your continued patience and help as we keep the kids learning.

It's important for the kids to continue to feel connected to each other, so if you have a photo you'd like to share, perhaps a book they're enjoying or a fun family activity, feel free to email it to me and I'll post it here. Be well!